STP - Weekly Sync 18-02-2024 (1)


Muscat Bay STP Meeting Minutes

Date: February 13, 2024

Location: Muscat Bay Office

Participants: OWATCO Company, Muscat Bay Management

Time: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Subject: Operational Excellence and MBR System Refurbishment Initiative

Next Meeting: February 27, 2024, at Muscat Bay Office

Executive Summary

Muscat Bay, in a strategic collaboration with OWATCO, has initiated a series of targeted measures to address operational inefficiencies and to bolster the capacity of the MBR system. This critical discourse has brought forth the urgency for accelerated documentation, meticulous issue analysis, and the proposal of a comprehensive refurbishment strategy. OWATCO is mandated to provide thorough reports and project frameworks within set deadlines to ensure rapid advancement.

Actionable Highlights

Performance Enhancement Directives

  • Critical Operational Challenges Identified:
    • Addressing membrane retention errors to mitigate system shutdowns.
    • Tackling electrical trips that cause overflow events.
    • Resolving solenoid valve failures to ensure system integrity.
    • Repairing lifting tank pumps and membrane cassette malfunctions.
    • Enhancing water production and optimizing tanker discharge rates.
    • Elevating the proficiency of operators to prevent sewage mismanagement and related safety hazards.
  • Mandatory Safety Protocols and Asset Management:
    • Strict adherence to personal protective equipment (PPE) usage and maintaining site cleanliness.
    • Prohibiting non-work-related activities within operational zones to guarantee a focused work environment.
    • Comprehensive tracking of asset statuses and operational incidents as outlined in the table below.

Table of Asset Status and Issues

OCU units
Diffusers and blowers
RAS/WAS, Pumps
Auto sampler units
Diesel generator status and connections
UPS status
SCADA system license
Instruments and Auto valves
Lifting tank pumps and cleaning and prefiltration net
Split AC in Operation rooms
ManPower shortages
Membrane retention errors leading to shutdowns
Electrical trips, with an alarming frequency, precipitating overflow events
Solenoid valve failures compromising system integrity
Lifting tank pump and membrane cassette malfunctions
A marked decrease in water production and tanker discharging rate's
Lack of knowledge of operators led to the drainage of sewage outside Muscat Bay, resulting in safety hazards
Safety and cleaning the sides and adhering to the rules
Daily monthly and annual reporting on time
Monthly water analysis report by third-party Contractor
Monthly performance report
  • OWATCO to conduct a thorough incidents analysis and submit a comprehensive report by February 27, 2024.

Capacity Expansion, Process Optimization & Operation Efficiency

MBR Major PPM and Refurbishment:

  • Initiate the Major PPM for the MBR system following the detailed guidance of the OEM-provided manuals.
  • Develop a thorough refurbishment proposal by February 25, 2024, capturing the scope, cost estimates, and a precise timeline, avoiding redundancy with concurrent tasks.

Site Inspection and Membrane Assessment:

  • Organize a meticulous inspection of the membrane system on February 21, 2024, with specialists from the manufacturing team, in close coordination with Muscat Bay.

Electrical Issue Resolution:

  • Swiftly identify and rectify electrical issues to prevent plant shutdowns and ensure operational continuity at Muscat Bay.

Maintenance and Operations:

  • Adhere strictly to the maintenance and operational procedures as specified in the OEM manuals, integrating any recent updates to the maintenance protocols.

Safety and Cleanliness:

  • Enforce rigorous safety regulations, implement proactive safety measures, and uphold the site's cleanliness, including the systematic storage of chemical drums and regular sanitation of the STP plant.

Training and Communication:

  • Conduct comprehensive operation training sessions in line with the guidelines set forth in the manuals.
  • Facilitate robust communication channels encompassing daily, monthly, and annual reports, alongside leveraging instant communication tools like WhatsApp for prompt updates.
  • Strengthen the interface between OWATCO and Muscat Bay-FM service providers to ensure quick resolution of any discrepancies.

Operational Efficiency and Production:

  • Execute initiatives to escalate production, diminish energy use, and amplify operational efficiency through predictive maintenance and the enhancement of tools and assets.
  • Aim for an upgrade of the MBR system to reach a capacity of 380 - 400 m³ per membrane per day.
  • Target the production of 750 cubic meters of TSE water daily.

Equipment Status Reporting:

  • Accurately report the status of each piece of equipment in the STP plant, completing the designated tables in the report for clarity and tracking.

Maintenance Completion and Upgrade Planning

  • Conducted an exhaustive review of pending tasks essential for the STP's operational capacity.
  • Compiled a list of incomplete or postponed maintenance endeavors, including but not limited to OCU units, decanters, blowers, and SCADA system elements.
  • Agreed to expedite the completion of all pending works to avert further operational setbacks.
  • OWATCO to submit an up-to-date status report and a comprehensive plan for finalizing all remaining tasks by February 25, 2024.

Communication Protocols and Progress Tracking

  • Highlighted the critical need for a robust communication framework to facilitate ongoing conversations between OWATCO and Muscat Bay on STP operation and maintenance.
  • Established a schedule for regular weekly meetings to assure consistent progress monitoring and swift resolution of issues.
  • Muscat Bay to finalize and propose a schedule for regular updates and to determine the most effective communication channels by February 20, 2024.

Refined Strategic Recommendations and Follow-Up Actions

  • Reaffirmed the imperative to adhere strictly to the maintenance manual and STP design specifications, and to be prepared for emergency operations.
  • Endorsed the integration of advanced operational techniques, such as Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids (MLSS) sampling, to refine the speed and precision of data analysis.
  • Emphasized the necessity for regular calibrations of instruments and thorough system maintenance to prevent blockages and maintain fluid operation.
  • Proposed planning for considerable upgrades or rectifications to address current deficits and elevate overall system performance.
  • Mandated OWATCO to compile detailed substantiation for each strategic recommendation and submit this documentation by February 27, 2024.


Action Item Summary

Responsible Party
Due Date
Incident Analysis Report
Feb 20, 2024
MBR Refurbishment Detailed Proposal
Feb 25, 2024
Completion Plan for Pending Works
Feb 25, 2024
Communication Framework Proposal
Muscat Bay
Feb 20, 2024
Detailed Recommendations and Support
Feb 27, 2024

Document Control

  • Document Status: This document is a draft pending review.
  • Version: 1.0
  • Authorship: Drafted by Abdulrahim Al Balushi from Assets & Operation.
  • Review and Confirmation: To be reviewed and approved by OWATCO Management.

Distribution List

  • Ensuring comprehensive engagement, this document will be distributed to all meeting participants and crucial stakeholders involved in the project.