
Time Management

Time Management" module:

  1. Understanding Time Management Basics: Pay attention to the fundamentals of time management.
  2. Self-Assessment: Participate in self-assessment by tracking your activities for two weeks.
  3. Essential Time Management Methods: Learn about key time management methods, including the Pomodoro method, batching, time-boxing, and prioritization using the Eisenhower matrix.
  4. Learning Objectives: Keep in mind the learning objectives, such as setting targets, clear prioritization, and effective task batching.
    1. ๐Ÿ’ก
    2. Understanding the basics of time management
    3. Setting targets and deriving tasks from these
    4. Setting clear priorities
    5. Making batching more effective
    6. Benefiting from the advantages of timeboxing
    7. Using the Pomodoro method to focus on your work
  5. Resource Download: Download the provided workbook for Time Management to aid your learning.
  6. Practical Application: Look for opportunities to apply what you've learned in real-life scenarios.
  7. Feedback and Further Resources: Explore any lectures, feedback links, or additional resources provided in the module for a comprehensive understanding.

First Module & First Video Why time management and what you are going to learn


This YouTube video explains the concept of time management and its benefits in increasing productivity. The speaker emphasizes the importance of using time effectively and prioritizing important goals. They suggest keeping a record of daily activities to identify areas for improvement. Effective time management requires personal effort and understanding priorities.


  • Most people feel like their days are too short, but the problem lies in not using time effectively.
  • Prioritizing important goals and tackling them first helps make progress towards long-term objectives.
  • Knowing what tasks are truly important and contribute to professional and organizational goals is crucial.
  • Keeping a record of daily activities for two weeks helps assess time usage and identify areas for improvement.
  • Effective time management requires personal effort and understanding one's priorities.

Detailed Summary

  • This YouTube video discusses the concept of time management and how it can help individuals be more productive. The speaker emphasizes that most people feel like their days are too short, but the problem lies in not using time effectively. They use the analogy of a container representing a working day, with three important goals as stones and other tasks as additional stones. The video demonstrates that by prioritizing the three important goals and tackling them first, individuals can make progress towards their long-term objectives. The speaker also highlights the importance of knowing what tasks are truly important and contribute to professional and organizational goals. They suggest keeping a record of daily activities for two weeks to assess how time is being used and identify areas for improvement. The video concludes by emphasizing that effective time management requires personal effort and understanding one's priorities.
Summary PDF After the First Video

Track my progress in the Time Management E-Training Course. The table includes columns for Chapters, Learning Objectives, Effective Learning Tips, Transfer Tasks, and Status.

Learning Objectives
Effective Learning Tips
Transfer Tasks
Understand Basics
Write Down Learning Goals
Not Started
Using a Journal for Self-Knowledge
Set Targets
Plan Your Learning
Task 1
Not Started
Time Planning
Distraction-Free Environment
Task 2
Not Started
Professional and Personal Goals
Batching and Timeboxing
Not Started
Eisenhower Matrix
Pomodoro Technique
Practical Application
Not Started
Working Together
Reflect and Act
Not Started
Not Started
Pomodoro Technique
Not Started

Blog: Maximizing Benefits from Your Time Management E-Training Course


The Time Management E-Training Course provides a comprehensive guide to mastering your time effectively. It combines theory with practical exercises, aiming to equip you with the skills needed to manage your time efficiently. This blog summarizes the key elements of the course, offering a structured approach for easy tracking and future reference.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the Basics: Grasp the fundamental principles of time management.
  • Set Targets: Learn how to set achievable goals and tasks.
  • Prioritize: Understand how to set clear priorities for your tasks.
  • Batching and Timeboxing: Learn techniques to make your work more efficient.
  • Pomodoro Technique: Discover how to focus better on tasks.

Seven Tips for Effective Learning

  1. Write Down Learning Goals: Clearly outline what you aim to achieve.
  2. Plan Your Learning: Allocate specific time slots for your course.
  3. Distraction-Free Environment: Ensure a quiet space for focused learning.
  4. Note-Taking: Jot down key terms and ideas during lectures.
  5. Practical Application: Use transfer tasks to apply what you've learned.
  6. Reflect and Act: After completing the course, write down actionable steps.
  7. Review: Revisit your notes and tasks after a month for better retention.

Key Chapters

  1. Using a Journal for Self-Knowledge: Understand your time usage by keeping a journal.
  2. Time Planning: Learn how to plan your time effectively.
  3. Professional and Personal Goals: Recognize and set your goals.
  4. Eisenhower Matrix: Prioritize tasks based on urgency and importance.
  5. Working Together: Learn how to collaborate effectively.
  6. Timeboxing: Allocate fixed time slots for tasks.
  7. Pomodoro Technique: Use a timer to break work into intervals.

Transfer Tasks

  • Task 1: Identify tasks that contribute to your job and overall goals.
  • Task 2: Keep a journal to track your activities, ideally in 30-minute blocks.


The course provides a weekly plan template to help you record your activities and track your time.


The Time Management E-Training Course is a well-rounded program that not only teaches you the theory but also provides practical tasks for real-world application. By following this structured approach, you can maximize the benefits from this course, making it easier to pass any quizzes or tests that follow.

Action Points

  • Download the weekly plan template.
  • Complete the transfer tasks.
  • Schedule time for course completion and review.

By following this blog as a guide, you can easily track your progress, ensuring that you are well-prepared for any quizzes or tests in your training program.

Additional Tracking

Time Management E-Training Course Summary

โ˜ Introduction

  • Learning Objectives: Understand the basics of time management.
  • Effective Learning Tips: Write down your learning goals.
  • Action: Read the introduction and jot down key points.

โ˜ Using a Journal for Self-Knowledge

  • Learning Objectives: Learn how to set targets.
  • Effective Learning Tips: Plan your learning schedule.
  • Transfer Tasks: Task 1 - Identify tasks that contribute to your job and overall goals.
  • Action: Start maintaining a journal to understand your time usage.

โ˜ Time Planning

  • Learning Objectives: Understand how to prioritize tasks.
  • Effective Learning Tips: Create a distraction-free environment.
  • Transfer Tasks: Task 2 - Keep a journal to track your activities in 30-minute blocks.
  • Action: Develop a time plan and prioritize your tasks.

โ˜ Professional and Personal Goals

  • Learning Objectives: Master batching and timeboxing techniques.
  • Effective Learning Tips: Take notes during lectures.
  • Action: Identify and set your professional and personal goals.

โ˜ Eisenhower Matrix

  • Learning Objectives: Learn the Pomodoro Technique.
  • Effective Learning Tips: Apply what you've learned practically.
  • Action: Use the Eisenhower Matrix to prioritize your tasks.

โ˜ Working Together

  • Effective Learning Tips: Reflect on what you've learned and act upon it.
  • Action: Learn how to collaborate effectively with others.

โ˜ Timeboxing

  • Effective Learning Tips: Review your notes and tasks after a month for better retention.
  • Action: Allocate fixed time slots for tasks using timeboxing.

โ˜ Pomodoro Technique

  • Action: Use a timer to break work into intervals, following the Pomodoro Technique.

Required Actions:

  1. Immediate Start: Begin by reading the introduction and writing down your learning goals.
  2. Journaling: Start maintaining a journal to track your time and set targets.
  3. Planning: Develop a time plan and prioritize your tasks.
  4. Goal Setting: Identify and set your professional and personal goals.
  5. Prioritization: Use the Eisenhower Matrix to prioritize your tasks.
  6. Collaboration: Learn how to work effectively with others.
  7. Timeboxing: Allocate fixed time slots for tasks.
  8. Pomodoro Technique: Implement the Pomodoro Technique in your work routine.

By following this comprehensive summary and action plan, you can ensure that you've covered all the key elements of the Time Management E-Training Course. This will prepare you well for any upcoming quizzes or tests.

Starting with the most important tasks increases the likelihood of getting these tasks done. There will still be time for the less important tasks
Remember Time management means dividing up the available time so that nothing essential is missed.
Good to know

Thanks to increasingly agile working methods, the ability to organize your own work is becoming more and more important. We have to be able to rely on others. And other people must be able to rely on us.ย Professionalย time managementย plays a key role in this.

On the one hand, professional time management helps you to keep track of things. And on the other hand, it provides methods to help you toย use your time effectively.


Which tasks really help you to move forward?

Take your time to answer these key questions:



    Which tasks will allow you to take a significant step forward in your job?



    Which tasks contribute to the departmental and corporate goals?



    What must you do tomorrow, this week, or this month, or this year in order to implement these tasks and to achieve your goals?

Module one Second video.

John Lennon once said, "Life is what happens while you're developing a plan." Bertolt Brecht was more sarcastic: make a plan, be a big shot, and then make another plan, neither will work. Yet, without precise plans, we wouldn't know of either Lennon or Brecht. What can we learn from them? A plan must breathe; it should adapt to changes.

A plan is goal-oriented mental testing โ€“ the thought development of actions leading to a goal. Ideally, everything runs smoothly. But when things don't go smoothly, plans help recognize deviations and steer away from them. We change our actions or the plan itself; we keep trying until it works.

Take parking your car as an example. You spot a space, brake, reverse, turn the wheel one way, then the other until you're in the spot. If you're crooked, you correct it โ€“ forwards and backwards until you reach your goal: park the car. Even if this plan forms in your head within seconds, it's still a plan for something as simple as parking.

Isn't it astounding that we often forget to plan for complex tasks? We drive past all the parking spots and wonder why we're still driving at day's end. Planning is crucial for successful time management โ€“ but you can only plan if you have goals.

Enhanced Course Summary: The Importance of Planning in Time Management

Enhanced Course Summary: The Importance of Planning in Time Management

Key Takeaways

  • Adaptability in Planning: Plans must be flexible and adapt to changes, as emphasized by John Lennon and Bertolt Brecht.
  • Goal-Oriented Mental Testing: Planning is the thought development of actions leading to a goal. It helps in recognizing deviations and making corrections.
  • Importance of Planning in Simple Tasks: Even for simple tasks like parking a car, planning is essential.
  • Neglect in Complex Tasks: Often, we forget to plan for complex tasks, leading to inefficiency.
  • Agile Working Methods: These methods have emphasized the importance of questioning "why" and "how" in planning.
  • Self-Organization: Planning is a key prerequisite for self-organization.

Analogies & Examples

  • Parking a Car: A simple yet effective example of how planning works in real life. If the car is not aligned, you make adjustments.

Agile Working & Planning

  • Questioning Tradition: In agile working environments, tasks shouldn't be done in a certain way just because that's how they've always been done.
  • Goal Checking: Constantly reviewing and aligning actions with goals is essential in agile working.

Transfer Tasks for Skill Development

  1. Develop Routine and Expertise: Create a structured routine that enhances your skill set.
  2. Career Goals: Draft a written plan outlining the steps to achieve your career goals.
  3. Short-Term Goals: Plan specific measures for achieving a short-term objective.
  4. Past Planning Review: Reflect on the effectiveness of your past plans.
  5. Learning from Lapses: Identify instances where a plan lapsed and what was learned from it.
  6. Benefit of Planning: Consider times when having a plan would have been more beneficial.
  7. Personal Milestones: Visualize key milestones in your personal and professional journey.

Required Actions:

  • Routine Development: Start by developing a daily or weekly routine that aligns with your career goals.
  • Goal Setting: Clearly define your short-term and long-term goals.
  • Plan Drafting: Write down the steps and measures to achieve these goals.
  • Self-Review: Periodically review your plans and make necessary adjustments.
  • Learning from Past: Reflect on past experiences to improve future planning.
  • Milestone Visualization: Create a visual roadmap of your personal milestones.

By focusing on these key takeaways and action items, you'll be better prepared to manage your time effectively and achieve your goals.


Chapter Summary: Recognizing Professional and Personal Goals

Key Takeaways

  • Quote by Seneca: Emphasizes the importance of having a clear goal or destination in mind.
  • Planning the Unplannable: Even tasks that seem unplannable can be accounted for by allocating time for them in your schedule.


  • Planning for Unplanned Tasks: Analyze your journal to identify unplanned tasks and allocate time for them, either daily or weekly.
    1. Transfer Tasks for Goal Setting and Learning

      Transfer Task 1: Define Your Goals

    2. Annual Goals: Outline your objectives for the year.
    3. Monthly Goals: Specify what you aim to achieve each month.
    4. Weekly Goals: Break down your monthly goals into weekly tasks.
    5. Daily Goals: List tasks to be completed each day.
    6. Corporate Goals: Describe the objectives aligned with your organization.
    7. Team Goals: Define the collective goals of your team.
    8. Job Goals: Specify what you aim to achieve in your current role.
    9. Contribution to Team: Describe how you will contribute to achieving team goals.
    10. Personal Life Goals: Optionally, plan your personal life goals.
    11. Transfer Task 2: Learn from Others

    12. Peer Insights: Consult successful colleagues or managers about their time management methods and how they manage multiple goals and tasks.
    13. Transfer Task 3: Communicate Your Goals

    14. Stakeholder Involvement: Share your goals with friends, family, colleagues, and even customers to gain acceptance and strengthen your commitment.
    15. Transfer Task 4: Look into the Future

    16. Future Vision: Visualize your life in the next 2, 5, or 10 years. Base your current goals around this vision.
    17. Required Actions:

    18. Goal Definition: Start by outlining your goals across different timelines and aspects of your life.
    19. Learning from Others: Consult with successful individuals to gain insights into effective time management.
    20. Goal Communication: Share your goals with your social and professional circles to solidify your commitment.
    21. Future Planning: Create a vision for your future and align your current goals with it.
    22. By focusing on these key takeaways and action items, you'll be better prepared to manage your time effectively and achieve both your professional and personal goals.

      Chapter Summary: Professional Time Management with Goals

      Key Takeaways

    23. Goal-Oriented Approach: Professional time management is rooted in clearly defined corporate, team, and personal goals.
    24. Calendar Utilization: Use a calendar to schedule business appointments, internal events, and personal engagements.
    25. Task Allocation: Once goals are set, break them down into tasks and allocate specific dates for completion.
    26. Unplanned Tasks: Reserve time in your calendar for tasks that may arise unexpectedly.
    27. Email Management: Emails and intranet posts should be categorized into tasks, appointments, or information.
    28. Examples & Strategies

    29. Networking: If networking is a goal, schedule time to send out lunch invitations to colleagues.
    30. Corporate Goals: For something like vehicle fleet analysis, schedule a workshop and allocate time for data gathering and presentation preparation.
    31. Team Goals: To reduce costs, allocate time to develop structured interview guidelines.
    32. Personal Goals: If email organization is a goal, set aside time to optimize folder structures.
    33. Required Actions:

    34. Goal Setting: Clearly define your corporate, team, and personal goals.
    35. Calendar Management: Use a calendar to schedule all your activities, including time for planning the next week.
    36. Task Breakdown: Devise tasks and steps that lead to your goals and allocate specific dates for them.
    37. Unplanned Task Allocation: Reserve at least an hour per day for unplanned tasks.
    38. Email Management: Allocate specific blocks of time to manage emails and stay updated.
    39. By adhering to these key takeaways and action items, you'll be able to manage your time effectively, aligning your daily activities with your broader goals. This structured approach will also allow you to adapt to unplanned tasks and manage your email efficiently.

      A visualized summary can help you grasp the concepts more effectively. Here's how you can visualize the key points:

      ๐ŸŽฏ Goal-Oriented Approach

      • Corporate Goals: ๐Ÿข
      • Team Goals: ๐Ÿ‘ฅ
      • Personal Goals: ๐Ÿ™‹โ€โ™‚๏ธ

      ๐Ÿ“… Calendar Utilization

      • Business Appointments: ๐Ÿ•ด๏ธ
      • Internal Events: ๐ŸŽ‰
      • Personal Engagements: ๐Ÿฝ๏ธ
      • Weekly Goals in Comments: โœ๏ธ

      ๐Ÿ“ Task Allocation

      • Break Down Goals: ๐Ÿ”จ
      • Specific Dates: ๐Ÿ—“๏ธ

      โณ Unplanned Tasks

      • Reserve Time: ๐Ÿ•’

      ๐Ÿ“ง Email Management

      • Tasks: โœ…
      • Appointments: ๐Ÿ“†
      • Information: โ„น๏ธ

      ๐Ÿ“‹ Required Actions

      1. Goal Setting: ๐ŸŽฏ
      2. Calendar Management: ๐Ÿ“…
      3. Task Breakdown: ๐Ÿ“
      4. Unplanned Task Allocation: โณ
      5. Email Management: ๐Ÿ“ง

      By associating each key takeaway and action item with a symbol, you can quickly refer back to these visual cues to remind yourself of what each section entails. This should make the information easier to digest and recall.

Chapter Summary: Time Management with the Eisenhower Matrix

Key Takeaways

  • Goals vs Tasks: Long-term success comes from pursuing goals, but tasks are the stepping stones.
  • One To-Do List: Stick to one to-do list for job tasks and review it regularly.
  • Eisenhower Matrix: Use this tool to prioritize tasks based on importance and urgency.

Eisenhower Matrix Categories

  • A-tasks (Important & Urgent): ๐Ÿ…ฐ๏ธ
  • B-tasks (Important but Not Urgent): ๐Ÿ…ฑ๏ธ
  • C-tasks (Not Important but Urgent): ๐Ÿ†˜
  • D-tasks (Neither Important nor Urgent): ๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ

Required Actions

  1. Prioritize Goals: ๐ŸŽฏ
  2. Review To-Do List: ๐Ÿ“
  3. Use Eisenhower Matrix: ๐Ÿ”„
  4. Handle A-tasks: ๐Ÿ…ฐ๏ธ
  5. Focus on B-tasks: ๐Ÿ…ฑ๏ธ
  6. Be Cautious with C-tasks: ๐Ÿ†˜
  7. Eliminate D-tasks: ๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ

Quiz Answers

  • Question 1/4: C-tasks should be verified whether you are the only person who can carry out this task.
  • Question 2/4: A-tasks should have as few tasks as possible fall into this category.
  • Question 3/4: D-tasks should be deleted immediately or disposed of in another way.
  • Question 4/4: B-tasks should be taken over and make room for it in your schedule.

By focusing on these key takeaways, actions, and quiz answers, you'll be better equipped to manage your time effectively, prioritize tasks, and achieve your goals.

5. Working together on what belongs together

Chapter Summary: Batching for Productivity

Key Takeaways

  • What is Batching: Stacking similar tasks together to reduce effort and work time.
  • Anti-Multitasking: Focusing on one type of task at a time improves efficiency.
  • Agile Teams: Batching is crucial for agile teams to concentrate on specific tasks, improving productivity.

Batching Examples

  • House Cleaning: ๐Ÿงน
  • Weekly Shopping: ๐Ÿ›’
  • Work Tasks: ๐Ÿ“ž๐Ÿ“ง๐Ÿ“ˆ

Required Actions

  1. Identify Similar Tasks: Use journaling to mark tasks that can be batched together.
  2. Plan Weekly: Incorporate batching into your weekly plan.
  3. Designate Time Slots: Reserve specific times for batched tasks like emails, calls, or leads.
  4. Avoid Multitasking: Focus on one batch of tasks at a time.

Quiz Answers

  • Question 1/2: Batching means bundling similar tasks.
  • Question 2/2: The schedule planned using the BATCHING method would be Image 02: Color blocks.

By understanding these key takeaways, actions, and quiz answers, you'll be better positioned to improve your productivity through effective batching.

6. Timeboxing: your time's up

Key Takeaways

  • Definition: Timeboxing is about adapting tasks to fit the available time, not the other way around.
  • Three Pillars: Clear duration, specific results within that duration, and task adjustment to fit the time.
  • Benefits: Improved focus, increased productivity, and countering Parkinson's Law.

Timeboxing Examples

  • Budget Planning: ๐Ÿ“Š
    • Time Window: Extend time if needed.
    • Time Box: Adjust the task to fit within the set time.
  • Agile Working: ๐Ÿ”„
    • Daily Timebox: 15-minute meetings to discuss progress.
    • Sprint: Non-negotiable time frame to achieve specific goals.

Required Actions

  1. Set Time Boxes: Allocate specific time frames for tasks.
  2. Adapt Tasks: If a task can't be completed in the set time, adjust its scope.
  3. Avoid Extending Time: Only plan a new time box for missing vital aspects.
  4. Use in Agile: Implement daily and sprint timeboxes for agile working.

Quiz Answers

  • Question 1/3: Timeboxing requires a precisely defined window.
  • Question 2/3: The Parkinson Rule states that work always expands to the amount of time available.
  • Question 3/3: If a timebox is not sufficient, define a new timebox and a desired result.

By understanding these key takeaways, actions, and quiz answers, you'll be better equipped to implement effective timeboxing in your work environment.

7. The Pomodoro Clock is Ticking

Key Takeaways

  • Origin: The Pomodoro technique was developed by Francesco Cirillo to improve focus and productivity.
  • Methodology: Work in 25-minute intervals, followed by a 5-minute break. After four cycles, take a longer 15-20 minute break.
  • Benefits: Increases focus, boosts motivation, and is adaptable to individual needs.

Pomodoro in Practice

  • Task Planning: ๐Ÿ“
    • Define the task and create a checklist.
  • Work Cycle: โฒ๏ธ
    • 25 minutes of focused work.
  • Break Cycle: ๐Ÿต
    • 5-minute short break; 15-20 minute long break after four cycles.

Required Actions

  1. Identify Tasks: Choose tasks that require full concentration or are often postponed.
  2. Set Timer: Use a timer to adhere to the 25-minute work and 5-minute break cycle.
  3. Adapt: If you find yourself in a flow, continue beyond 25 minutes but remember to take breaks.

Quiz Answers

  • Question 1/2: The goal to be met using the Pomodoro method is more concentration.
  • Question 2/2: According to the Pomodoro method, you should focus on one task for 25 minutes.

By understanding these key takeaways, actions, and quiz answers, you can effectively implement the Pomodoro technique to enhance your focus and productivity.

8. Seven Work Hacks for More Time in Your Job

Key Takeaways

  • Checklists: Streamline repetitive tasks by creating checklists.
  • Think Before Acting: Pause to strategize before diving into urgent tasks.
  • Clear Communication: Prioritize clarity over brevity to prevent misunderstandings.
  • End Email Ping-Pong: Opt for direct communication when emails become confusing.
  • Question Everything: Evaluate the necessity and relevance of tasks and routines.
  • Physical Activity: Opt for stairs over elevators for daily fitness.
  • Human Element: Balance efficiency with maintaining good relationships in the workplace.

Required Actions

  1. Checklist Creation: Develop checklists for recurring tasks like monthly sales planning.
  2. Strategic Thinking: Before tackling urgent tasks, take a moment to plan your approach.
  3. Communication: Aim for clear and precise communication to avoid extra work.
  4. Direct Contact: If email threads become cumbersome, switch to a phone call.
  5. Task Evaluation: Regularly question the purpose and relevance of your tasks.
  6. Physical Health: Incorporate small physical activities like taking the stairs.
  7. Work Environment: Use time saved to improve your work environment and relationships.

By implementing these seven work hacks, you can optimize your time and work environment.

Key Messages of the Course

Key Messages

  1. Time Recording: The foundation of effective time management is understanding where your time is being spent. Utilizing a journal is the most effective way to achieve this.
  2. Goal Setting and Task Planning: To make the most of your available time, it's crucial to set goals and break them down into manageable tasks. These tasks should then be planned and scheduled.
  3. Efficiency Methods: Various techniques, ranging from prioritization strategies to the Pomodoro method, can be employed to work more efficiently.

Required Actions

  1. Maintain a Time Journal: Keep a detailed record of how your time is spent to identify areas for improvement.
  2. Set and Plan Goals: Clearly define your goals and break them down into tasks. Allocate time to these tasks in your schedule.
  3. Adopt Efficiency Techniques: Utilize methods like the Eisenhower Matrix, timeboxing, and the Pomodoro technique to enhance work efficiency.

Understanding and implementing these key messages will provide a structured approach to managing your time more effectively.

In-Depth Summary of Time Management CourseIn-Depth Summary of Time Management Course