
Tue, 25 Jun 2024 20:15:09 -0700 (PDT)

Promotion & Newsletter

TAMS Notifications for 25 Jun 2024

Main Email Body: Dear Abdulrahim Abdullah Al Balushi, The system recognized that you came late on'25 Jun 2024'. The system recognized that you have not completed the mandatory work hours on'25 Jun 2024'. Kindly do the needful. Best Regards, HR Team _________________ ARPro Mail Assistance : ### Summary of Email: **From:** HR Team **To:** Abdulrahim Abdullah Al Balushi **Subject:** TAMS Notifications for 25 Jun 2024 **Date:** Tue, 25 Jun 2024 20:15:09 -0700 (PDT) **Critical Technical Details:** - **Late Arrival:** The system flagged a late arrival on 25 Jun 2024. - **Incomplete Work Hours:** The system identified that mandatory work hours were not completed on 25 Jun 2024. **Immediate Actions Needed:** - Review the attendance records for 25 Jun 2024. - Take necessary steps to address the late arrival and incomplete work hours. **Urgent Issues:** - Potential impact on operational efficiency due to incomplete work hours. - Requirement to ensure compliance with attendance policies. ### Draft Response: **To:** HR Team **Subject:** Re: TAMS Notifications for 25 Jun 2024 **Date:** Wed, 26 Jun 2024 Dear HR Team, Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I acknowledge the notification regarding my late arrival and incomplete work hours on 25 Jun 2024. I will review my attendance records and address any discrepancies. To ensure operational efficiency and compliance with attendance policies, I will take the following actions: 1. **Review Attendance Records:** Verify the accuracy of the reported late arrival and incomplete work hours. 2. **Address Discrepancies:** If any discrepancies are found, I will provide the necessary justifications or corrections. 3. **Implement Corrective Measures:** Ensure that such issues do not recur in the future by reviewing and possibly adjusting my daily schedule. Please expect a detailed follow-up once I have completed my review. Best Regards, Abdulrahim Abdullah Al Balushi Assets and Operations Manager