
Communication Fundamentals

09. Dec 23 001_en_3_standard_Basics_of_Communication_workbook.pdf270.8KB
Note Before Starting
  1. Key Concepts: Understand the principles of effective communication, which may include active listening, empathy, clarity in message delivery, and appropriate non-verbal cues.
  2. Practical Exercises: Look for any exercises or case studies in the module that allow you to practice these communication skills. Make a note of these exercises and your reflections on them.
  3. Application: Consider how these communication strategies can be applied in your current role. Write down potential scenarios at work where enhanced communication can solve problems or improve outcomes.
  4. Feedback Mechanisms: Identify ways to solicit feedback on your communication style from peers and mentors.

Comprehensive Summary of "Communication Fundamentals"


  • Fundamental Concept: Understanding the complex nature of communication, especially within leadership.
  • Core Model: Friedemann Schulz von Thun's "Four Sides Model" of communication, encompassing multiple message levels.

Four Levels of Communication

  1. Matter Level: The factual content of the message.
  2. Self-Revelation Level: What the message reveals about the speaker.
  3. Relationship Level: The message's implications about the relationship between the speaker and listener.
  4. Appeal Level: The speaker's intended action for the listener.

Four Ears Model

  • Listening Perspective: Each message is heard through four different 'ears,' each corresponding to the four levels of communication. Misunderstandings often occur when the sender's intended level does not align with the receiver's interpreted level.

Communication Challenges

  • Misunderstandings: Arising from mismatches in communication levels.
  • Conflict Resolution: Using effective communication to resolve disagreements.

Effective Communication Tools and Strategies

  1. Active Listening: Focusing on all levels of messages received.
  2. Clear Messaging: Conveying information succinctly and clearly.
  3. Feedback and Adaptation: Using feedback to enhance communication.

Practical Workplace Application

  • Four Sides Model Application: Identifying different communication levels in daily interactions.
  • Conflict Management: Resolving conflicts through effective communication.

Concluding Thoughts

  • Mastery of communication fundamentals is vital in leadership and team management, enhancing team dynamics and effectiveness.