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Fwd: B4 Handover Documents ( Signed by both parties )

The Original Mail: Dear Sir, Please find the below mail for your reference. Thanks & Regards, Sriraj Nair *Muscat Bay Helpdesk* *24 X 7 -* Help Desk Mobile No:+968 9828 5725 T: <+968%2024%20640000>+968 2485 7050 PO Box 605, Postal Code 115, Sultanate of Oman <> ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Akbar H <> Date: Wed, May 29, 2024 at 7:11 PM Subject: B4 Handover Documents ( Signed by both parties ) To: <> Cc: Abdulrahim AlBalushi <>, Muscat Bay Help Desk <>, Praneeth <> Dear Mr.Nayyar, As per our last communication, please find attached the handover documents which is signed by both parties . Also to inform you that, Mr.Abdur Rahim- sir, has instructed us to shift additional items ( *details attached for reference* ) from there. Hence, please let us know when this can be done ! Kindly Note # on key hand over sheets I have mentioned that G’F – 001 key with security ( Mr.Muneer) . However, the security person has confirmed that he already vacant that rooms and key has been handed over to concerned person. Please confirm the same ! *Thanks & Regards* *Akbar Hossain* *Operation Executive* *Kalhat Services & Trading LLC* PO Box 2258, PC 112, Ruwi, Sultanate of Oman *Mob*: +968-92431266 ——- Analysis & Responses: ### Summary of Technical Email The email comes from Akbar Hossain, Operation Executive at Kalhat Services & Trading LLC, directed to Mr. Nayyar Khan of Jumeirah, with several others copied. The subject is the handover of documents signed by both involved parties. Additionally, Akbar Hossain conveys instructions received from Mr. Abdur Rahim to relocate additional items documented in the attached details. There are operational details concerning the handling of keys for G’F – 001; it is noted that keys previously with security (Mr. Muneer) have been moved, and rooms have been vacated. The email requests confirmation from Nayyar Khan about the key transfer and seeks coordination for shifting the additional items mentioned. ### Key Issues Highlighted 1. Confirmation of key handover and current possession. 2. Plans for the transfer of additional items. ### Action Items 1. Mr. Nayyar Khan is to confirm the key's transfer and current status. 2. Coordination is needed to determine the suitable timing for transferring additional items as per Mr. Hossain’s request. ### Draft Response Email --- Subject: Re: B4 Handover Documents (Signed by both parties) Dear Mr. Hossain, Thank you for your email and for forwarding the signed handover documents as well as the additional details concerning the operational aspects of our ongoing collaboration. I confirm receipt of the keys for G’F – 001 from Mr. Muneer, and I appreciate your coordination in ensuring the rooms were vacated and keys transferred efficiently. Regarding the transfer of additional items as instructed by Mr. Abdur Rahim, could we please schedule a brief discussion to finalize the timing and logistics? This will help ensure a smooth transition without any disruptions to our operations. Please let me know your available times for a call or if it is more convenient, feel free to suggest a time for our meeting. Looking forward to your response. Best Regards, Nayyar Khan Jumeirah Group