Oliver Gossage - Sales & Marketing Manager


Wed, 26 Jun 2024 06:10:11 +0000

Promotion & Newsletter

FW: Muscat Bay Shop Floor Plan

Main Email Body: Hi, See attached latest plans for approval. I am now on leave until 15 July. Please direct any questions to Krishna in copy. Many thanks, Oliver Oliver Gossage Sales and Marketing Manager Oman United Agencies +968 7153 2647 _________________ ARPro Mail Assistance : ### Summary for Assets and Operations Manager **Critical Technical Details:** - **Sender:** Oliver Gossage, Sales & Marketing Manager, Oman United Agencies - **Recipients:** aalnasiri@muscatbay.com, aalbalushi@muscatbay.com - **Subject:** FW: Muscat Bay Shop Floor Plan - **Date:** 26 June 2024 - **Content:** Latest shop floor plans attached for approval. - **Leave Notice:** Oliver is on leave until 15 July. - **Contact for Queries:** Krishna (in copy). **Immediate Actions Needed:** 1. **Review the Attached Plans:** Assess the latest shop floor plans for any necessary approvals or modifications. 2. **Forward Questions to Krishna:** Any immediate questions or clarifications should be directed to Krishna. **Urgent Issues:** - **Approval Deadline:** Ensure the plans are reviewed and approved promptly to avoid delays. - **Point of Contact:** Krishna will be the main contact person until Oliver returns from leave on 15 July. ### Draft Response from Abdulrahim Al Balushi --- **To:** Oliver Gossage <ogossage@omanunited.com> **CC:** Krishna <krishna@omanunited.com>, aalnasiri@muscatbay.com **Subject:** Re: FW: Muscat Bay Shop Floor Plan --- Hi Oliver, Thank you for forwarding the latest shop floor plans. We will review the attached documents promptly. In your absence, we will direct any questions or required clarifications to Krishna. Best regards, Abdulrahim Al Balushi Assets and Operations Manager Muscat Bay +968 1234 5678 --- **Preliminary Action Plan:** 1. **Immediate Review:** Assign team members to review the attached shop floor plans for compliance and operational efficiency. 2. **Feedback Compilation:** Collect any feedback or required changes and compile them. 3. **Communication with Krishna:** Coordinate with Krishna for any clarifications or additional information needed during Oliver's leave. 4. **Approval Process:** Aim to complete the review and approval process before Oliver returns to ensure no delays in implementation. --- This response ensures that the critical aspects of the email are addressed, sets a clear plan for immediate actions, and provides a channel for communication during Oliver's absence.