
Analysis of Healthcare Dynamics in North Batinah Governorate

Analysis of Healthcare Dynamics in North Batinah Governorate


Executive Summary

The report presents an in-depth analysis of healthcare data from the North Batinah Governorate, focusing on anemia prevalence, postnatal care (PNC) visits, and antenatal booking rates. By examining demographic and geographic disparities, the report provides actionable insights and recommendations to improve healthcare outcomes.


The North Batinah Governorate has been a focal point for healthcare interventions due to its diverse population and varying healthcare needs. This report analyzes recent healthcare data to identify key trends, challenges, and opportunities for enhancing healthcare delivery in the region.


Anemia Prevalence

Anemia remains a significant health concern in the North Batinah Governorate, with an average prevalence of 34% across institutions. Liwa HC reports the highest anemia rate at 52%, indicating a need for targeted nutritional and healthcare programs.


  • Highest Prevalence: Liwa HC (52%)
  • Lowest Prevalence: Ruhab Hc (15%)
  • Overall Average: 32%


  • Monthly trends show a peak in anemia cases in May.

Anemia is prevalent across various institutions in the North Batinah Governorate, with some institutions experiencing significantly higher rates than others. Liwa HC, for instance, reports an alarming 52% prevalence rate, underscoring the need for targeted interventions. Monthly data indicates a peak in anemia cases during May, suggesting potential seasonal factors or external influences that warrant further investigation.

Postnatal Care (PNC) Visits

PNC visit coverage varies widely among institutions, with an overall coverage of 44.18%. Tharmed HC shows a remarkable 100% coverage, while Shafan HC has the lowest at 8.43%.



  • Monthly trends highlight peaks in May and July.


  • Highest Coverage: Tharmed HC (100%)
  • Lowest Coverage: Shafan HC (8.43%)
  • Overall Average: 44.18%

Postnatal care is critical for monitoring the health of mothers and newborns. The data reveals significant disparities in PNC visit coverage, with Tharmed HC achieving full coverage, contrasting with Shafan HC's 8.43%. Peaks in PNC visits during May and July suggest periods of increased healthcare engagement, which may be linked to specific health campaigns or cultural practices.

Antenatal Booking Rates

The antenatal booking rate in the North Batinah Governorate is impressively high, averaging 94.40%. Institutions like Shinas PC and Khaboura PC consistently achieve rates above 97%.


  • Highest Booking Rate: Multiple institutions above 97%
    • Overall Average: 94.40%


  • Monthly trends show consistent high engagement, with peaks in May and October.

Antenatal care is crucial for ensuring healthy pregnancies and outcomes. The high booking rates, averaging 94.40%, reflect effective healthcare practices and strong community engagement. Institutions like Shinas PC and Khaboura PC set a high standard with booking rates exceeding 97%, demonstrating the success of early pregnancy care programs.


Demographic Impact

Demographic analysis highlights variations in healthcare outcomes across different population groups. Certain groups may exhibit higher prevalence rates of anemia or lower PNC visit coverage, indicating specific healthcare needs.


  • Analysis of anemia, PNC visits, and antenatal bookings by demographic groups.


  • Bar charts showing demographic impact.

Demographic factors play a significant role in healthcare outcomes. By analyzing data across different population segments, we can identify groups that are particularly vulnerable to anemia or have lower rates of PNC visits. This information is critical for developing targeted healthcare interventions that address the unique needs of these populations.

Geographic Disparities

Geospatial analysis reveals disparities in healthcare performance across different regions. Certain areas exhibit higher rates of anemia or lower PNC visit coverage, highlighting the need for region-specific healthcare strategies. Geographic disparities in healthcare performance are evident in the North Batinah Governorate. By mapping the prevalence of anemia, PNC visits, and antenatal bookings, we can identify regions that require additional resources and targeted interventions. This spatial analysis is vital for ensuring equitable healthcare access and addressing regional healthcare challenges.


The comprehensive analysis of healthcare data from the North Batinah Governorate provides valuable insights into anemia prevalence, PNC visit coverage, and antenatal booking rates. Identifying demographic and geographic disparities helps pinpoint areas needing targeted interventions. The findings underscore the importance of consistent healthcare delivery and the need for continuous monitoring and improvement.


  1. Targeted Interventions: Implement nutritional programs and healthcare support in institutions with high anemia rates, such as Liwa HC.
  2. Enhanced Outreach: Increase PNC visit coverage in lower-performing institutions through community health initiatives.
  3. Resource Allocation: Allocate additional healthcare staff and resources during peak months to manage increased patient loads effectively.
  4. Policy Improvements: Develop policies aimed at maintaining consistent healthcare delivery across all institutions.
  5. Continuous Monitoring: Use demographic and geospatial analyses to monitor emerging healthcare trends and adjust interventions accordingly.

