
Wed, 26 Jun 2024 20:15:06 -0700 (PDT)

Promotion & Newsletter

TAMS Notifications for 26 Jun 2024

Main Email Body: Dear Abdulrahim Abdullah Al Balushi, The system recognized that you came late on'26 Jun 2024'. Kindly do the needful. Best Regards, HR Team _________________ ARPro Mail Assistance : ### Summary: **Email Details:** - **From:** HR Team - **To:** - **Subject:** TAMS Notifications for 26 Jun 2024 - **Date:** Wed, 26 Jun 2024 20:15:06 -0700 (PDT) **Critical Technical Details:** - **System Notification:** Late arrival detected on 26 Jun 2024. **Immediate Actions Needed:** - **Action Required:** Address the late arrival issue as per company policy. **Urgent Issues:** - **Urgency:** Immediate attention required to resolve the late arrival and prevent any operational inefficiencies. ### Draft Response: --- **To:** HR Team **Subject:** Re: TAMS Notifications for 26 Jun 2024 Dear HR Team, Thank you for the notification regarding my late arrival on 26 Jun 2024. I acknowledge the system's recognition of my tardiness. Please note that I am currently reviewing the circumstances that led to this delay and will take the necessary steps to ensure it does not recur. **Preliminary Action Plan:** 1. **Review Attendance Records:** I will verify the accuracy of the system's record. 2. **Identify Cause:** Determine the reason for the late arrival. 3. **Implement Corrective Measures:** Ensure adherence to punctuality policies moving forward. I will provide a detailed follow-up once I have completed my review. Best Regards, Abdulrahim Abdullah Al Balushi Assets and Operations Manager Muscat Bay --- This draft response acknowledges the issue, outlines a preliminary action plan, and sets the stage for a detailed follow-up, ensuring that operational efficiency is maintained.