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PURON® MBR Modules - An Overview

The PURON® MBR modules, developed by Koch Membrane Systems, are highlighted for their advanced design and efficiency in wastewater treatment processes. These modules are designed for the effective treatment of municipal and industrial wastewater through a combination of biological degradation and membrane filtration within a single system.

Key Features and Specifications

  • Membrane Chemistry: The membranes are made of proprietary Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF), which is known for its strength, chemical resistance, and longevity.
  • Membrane Configuration: These modules utilize braided hollow fibers for outside-in filtration. This design minimizes the risk of fiber breakage and allows for higher packing density and reduced footprint.
  • Nominal Pore Size: 0.03 µm, which ensures high-quality effluent by effectively removing solids, bacteria, and viruses.
  • Temperature Range: The system is designed to operate within a temperature range of 41-104°F (5-40°C), accommodating various environmental conditions.
  • Regulatory Compliance: The PURON® MBR modules comply with the California Water Recycling Criteria (Title 22), ensuring the produced effluent meets stringent quality standards.

Maintenance and Operation Insights

For the effective operation and longevity of PURON® MBR modules, the document outlines several key maintenance and operational practices:

  1. Routine Cleaning: To prevent membrane fouling and maintain efficient operation, routine backwashing and chemical cleaning are recommended. The document specifies the use of cleaning agents such as sodium hypochlorite or citric acid for maintenance cleaning.
  2. System Monitoring: Continuous monitoring of parameters such as flux rates, transmembrane pressure (TMP), and effluent quality is essential. This enables timely adjustments to operations and maintenance practices to optimize system performance.
  3. Chemical Resistance and Durability: The proprietary PVDF membrane material offers excellent chemical resistance, allowing for a wide range of cleaning agents and maintaining membrane integrity over time.
  4. Design and Installation Considerations: The compact and efficient design of PURON® MBR modules allows for a reduced system footprint and can be easily integrated into existing wastewater treatment facilities or new installations.

Conclusion Based on the Document

The PURON® MBR system represents a significant advancement in membrane technology, offering efficient wastewater treatment capabilities, high-quality effluent, and a compact design. By adhering to the outlined maintenance routines and operational guidelines, operators can ensure the long-term reliability and performance of their MBR systems. This technology is well-suited for applications requiring stringent effluent quality standards, demonstrating its versatility and effectiveness in modern wastewater treatment solutions.

PURON® MBR System Overview

Model and Configuration:

  • The document does not explicitly list a specific model number for the PURON® modules but emphasizes the system's adaptability and efficiency in wastewater treatment. PURON® modules are known for their hollow fiber, braided configuration, and outside-in filtration process.

Cassettes and Membranes:

  • While the document does not provide the exact number of cassettes and membranes per generic cassette, PURON® MBR systems typically consist of several cassettes, each containing numerous individual membrane fibers. These systems are designed for scalability and can be customized to meet the treatment capacity requirements of various facilities.

Membrane Lifetime:

  • The lifetime of the membrane is influenced by operational conditions, maintenance practices, and environmental factors. Regular maintenance cleans (MC) and recovery cleans (RC) are recommended to sustain membrane performance. The document suggests two RC cycles per year to help maintain optimal permeability levels.

Operations and Maintenance

Maintenance Cleaning (MC) and Recovery Cleaning (RC):

  • MC can be activated based on a timer or manually by the operator, while RC is a more intensive, manually initiated procedure, involving the membranes being submerged in a chemical solution for an extended period (6-12 hours).
  • Regular MC is crucial for maintaining higher flux rates and extending the time between RCs. The document emphasizes the use of a daily MC procedure with specific concentrations of cleaning chemicals (e.g., 125 mg/l NaOCl) and occasional use of citric acid for maintenance cleaning.

Cleaning Log Book:

  • Keeping a detailed cleaning log book is vital for comparing performance across cleans and optimizing maintenance strategies over time. Documentation is essential for supporting membrane guarantees and optimizing system setup based on environmental conditions and operational experience.

System Restoration Procedures

After Maintenance:

  • Following an MC, the system can resume normal operations immediately after the cleaning cycle. However, after an RC, a stabilization period is recommended before applying maximum fluxes to allow the membranes to gradually adjust to operational conditions.
  • For effective system restoration, it's crucial to assess the RC data to evaluate the cleaning's effectiveness and the membrane's condition. Adjustments may be needed based on the membrane's age, usage, and maintenance history.

Operational Recommendations:

  • The document outlines specific pressures not to exceed during backflushing to avoid damaging the membrane integrity. It also provides guidance on optimizing cleaning parameters and maintaining a proactive approach to membrane system management.


The PURON® MBR system by Koch Membrane Systems represents a sophisticated solution for wastewater treatment, emphasizing the importance of regular maintenance, documentation, and careful system management for long-term operational success. Adhering to the recommended practices for MC and RC, along with system monitoring and optimization, ensures the system's efficiency and the longevity of the membranes.