Beach Ball : Meeting 02

Beach Ball : Meeting 02

Beachball Meeting: Enhancing Collaborative Leadership


The second Beachball meeting aimed to foster transparent and effective communication across various departments. We delved into strategies that would allow for an open exchange of ideas, promoting unity and a shared vision within the organization.


Led by Mr. Bob, the trainer, and involving members from diverse departments, the meeting included team leaders and key stakeholders, all bringing unique perspectives to the table. Notable participants included Mr. Saleh, along with Sara, Eman, Wafa, and Nouf, who contributed significantly to the discussions.


The Beachball meeting structure promoted an inclusive environment where every participant had the opportunity to voice their ideas and contribute to the collective intelligence of the group. The discussion was structured to encourage participation, with individuals taking on specific roles designed to facilitate a dynamic and constructive dialogue.

Discussion Highlights:

The central focus was on creating a centralized system for data collection and transparency, aimed at providing a real-time dashboard to all stakeholders. This would ensure that decisions are data-driven and reflect the current realities of the organization.


The meeting concluded with a set of actionable steps, agreed upon by all participants, to enhance transparency. The group agreed on the importance of a centralization system and committed to the creation of an updated dashboard.


The Beachball meeting approach, under the guidance of Mr. Bob, proved to be an effective platform for harnessing the diverse expertise within the organization. The collective effort displayed by all the participants underscored the potential for such collaborative approaches to resolve complex challenges and drive the organization forward.

Next Steps:

Following the meeting, teams will work on implementing the agreed-upon strategies, with a focus on evaluating their effectiveness and making necessary adjustments. Regular follow-up meetings have been scheduled to track progress and continue the momentum of collaborative problem-solving.