Abdullah AlNasiri


Wed, 26 Jun 2024 10:39:07 +0400

Promotion & Newsletter

RE: MuscatBay x Tadoom Proposal

Main Email Body: Dear Vanessa Good morning to you. Please advise about the contract status. Regards Abdullah AlNasiri Vice President- Customer Experience *T: *+968 24 857000 F: <+968%2024%20640000>+968 24 826522 M: <+968%2095%20194694> +968 95 790000 PO Box 605, Postal Code 115, Sultanate of Oman www.muscatbay.com <http://muscatbay.com/> <https://muscatbay.com/smartinvestor/en/> This e-mail contains proprietary information some of which may be legally privileged. This e-mail is intended to be reviewed only by the individual(s) or organizations named above. If you are not an intended recipient, or an authorized representative of an intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication, or any of its content or attachments, is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this message in error, please return it to the sender immediately and delete the original message and any copy of it from your computer system. Saraya is neither liable for the proper and complete transmission of the information contained in this communication nor for any delay in its receipt *From:* Vanessa Humphrey [mailto:vanessa.humphrey@tadoom.om] *Sent:* Wednesday, June 12, 2024 8:45 AM *To:* Abdullah AlNasiri <aalnasiri@muscatbay.com>; Abdulrahim AlBalushi < aalbalushi@muscatbay.com> *Cc:* Hamood Al Hosni <halhosni@muscatbay.com>; Abdullah Al Badi < abdullah.albadi@tadoom.om>; Ammar AL Sulaimani <ammar.alsulaimani@tadoom.om>; Shireen AlHabib <Salhabib@muscatbay.com> *Subject:* RE: MuscatBay x Tadoom Proposal Dear Abdullah, Thank you for sharing, I will revert to you with our legal comments very soon. Best regards Vanessa *From:* Abdullah AlNasiri <aalnasiri@muscatbay.com> *Sent:* Sunday, June 9, 2024 1:57 PM *To:* Vanessa Humphrey <vanessa.humphrey@tadoom.om>; Abdulrahim AlBalushi < aalbalushi@muscatbay.com> *Cc:* Hamood Al Hosni <halhosni@muscatbay.com>; Abdullah Al Badi < abdullah.albadi@tadoom.om>; Ammar AL Sulaimani <ammar.alsulaimani@tadoom.om>; Shireen AlHabib <Salhabib@muscatbay.com> *Subject:* RE: MuscatBay x Tadoom Proposal Dear Vanessa In line with our discussion, we are proposing different version of the contract that more fits to purpose. I have attached V1 draft for your kind review. Regards Abdullah AlNasiri Vice President- Customer Experience *T: *+968 24 857000 F: <+968%2024%20640000>+968 24 826522 M: <+968%2095%20194694> +968 95 790000 PO Box 605, Postal Code 115, Sultanate of Oman www.muscatbay.com <http://muscatbay.com/> <https://muscatbay.com/smartinvestor/en/> This e-mail contains proprietary information some of which may be legally privileged. This e-mail is intended to be reviewed only by the individual(s) or organizations named above. If you are not an intended recipient, or an authorized representative of an intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication, or any of its content or attachments, is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this message in error, please return it to the sender immediately and delete the original message and any copy of it from your computer system. Saraya is neither liable for the proper and complete transmission of the information contained in this communication nor for any delay in its receipt *From:* Vanessa Humphrey [mailto:vanessa.humphrey@tadoom.om] *Sent:* Tuesday, May 21, 2024 3:08 PM *To:* Abdullah AlNasiri <aalnasiri@muscatbay.com>; Abdulrahim AlBalushi < aalbalushi@muscatbay.com> *Cc:* Hamood Al Hosni <halhosni@muscatbay.com>; Abdullah Al Badi < abdullah.albadi@tadoom.om>; Ammar AL Sulaimani <ammar.alsulaimani@tadoom.om> *Subject:* RE: MuscatBay x Tadoom Proposal Dear Abdullah, Please find attached the contract model for your legal to start the review. The same contract and SLA are similar to what has bn deployed at the national level. We remain available shall you have any question. Best regards, Vanessa *From:* Abdullah AlNasiri <aalnasiri@muscatbay.com> *Sent:* Tuesday, May 21, 2024 1:34 PM *To:* Vanessa Humphrey <vanessa.humphrey@tadoom.om>; Abdulrahim AlBalushi < aalbalushi@muscatbay.com> *Cc:* Hamood Al Hosni <halhosni@muscatbay.com>; Abdullah Al Badi < abdullah.albadi@tadoom.om>; Ammar AL Sulaimani <ammar.alsulaimani@tadoom.om> *Subject:* RE: MuscatBay x Tadoom Proposal Dear Vanessa Thanks for your email, our legal shall review the agreement and will get back to you very soon. For time being will appreciate to share with us the new version of the contract template so we can review it and get this task finalized ASAP. Regards Abdullah AlNasiri Vice President- Customer Experience *T: *+968 24 857000 F: <+968%2024%20640000>+968 24 826522 M: <+968%2095%20194694> +968 95 790000 PO Box 605, Postal Code 115, Sultanate of Oman www.muscatbay.com <http://muscatbay.com/> <https://muscatbay.com/smartinvestor/en/> This e-mail contains proprietary information some of which may be legally privileged. This e-mail is intended to be reviewed only by the individual(s) or organizations named above. If you are not an intended recipient, or an authorized representative of an intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication, or any of its content or attachments, is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this message in error, please return it to the sender immediately and delete the original message and any copy of it from your computer system. Saraya is neither liable for the proper and complete transmission of the information contained in this communication nor for any delay in its receipt *From:* Vanessa Humphrey [mailto:vanessa.humphrey@tadoom.om] *Sent:* Tuesday, May 21, 2024 9:40 AM *To:* Abdulrahim AlBalushi <aalbalushi@muscatbay.com>; Abdullah AlNasiri < aalnasiri@muscatbay.com> *Cc:* Hamood Al Hosni <halhosni@muscatbay.com>; Abdullah Al Badi < abdullah.albadi@tadoom.om>; Ammar AL Sulaimani <ammar.alsulaimani@tadoom.om> *Subject:* RE: MuscatBay x Tadoom Proposal Dear Abdullah, Dear Abdulrahim First of all, I would like to thank you for your patience while I was away. I am now back to work and pleased to share with you the partnership agreement prepared following our discussion on May 9th, 2024. In essence, Tadoom is delighted to propose a strategic partnership to support Muscat Bay developing a smart, connected, and sustainable community. a commitment to extend our AMR technical and financial offer to any further developments. a discounted offer on the AMR solution, down to 2.7 OMR per meter. The 2 documents are attached for your review, and we would be delighted to proceed with the signature with our CEO at the occasion of COMEX. Please let me know if you have any comments, *Best Regards,* *Vanessa Humphrey* Advisor Email: vanessa.humphrey@tadoom.om Mobile: +968 79112080 [image: Title: line art] <https://www.linkedin.com/company/tadoom> <https://www.instagram.com/tadoom.om/> <https://twitter.com/Tadoom_om> *From:* Vanessa Humphrey *Sent:* Thursday, May 16, 2024 6:36 PM *To:* Abdulrahim AlBalushi <aalbalushi@muscatbay.com>; Ammar AL Sulaimani < ammar.alsulaimani@tadoom.om>; Abdullah Al Badi <abdullah.albadi@tadoom.om> *Cc:* Hamood Al Hosni <halhosni@muscatbay.com>; Abdullah AlNasiri < aalnasiri@muscatbay.com> *Subject:* RE: MuscatBay x Tadoom Proposal Dear Abdulrahim, Dear Abdullah, I finally navigated between medical exams until mid-day today and could not finalize it all in the afternoon. Please expect the agreement delivered on Sunday. Apologies for the delay Regards Vanessa *From:* Abdulrahim AlBalushi <aalbalushi@muscatbay.com> *Sent:* Tuesday, May 14, 2024 10:04 AM *To:* Vanessa Humphrey <vanessa.humphrey@tadoom.om>; Ammar AL Sulaimani < ammar.alsulaimani@tadoom.om>; Abdullah Al Badi <abdullah.albadi@tadoom.om> *Cc:* Hamood Al Hosni <halhosni@muscatbay.com>; Abdullah AlNasiri < aalnasiri@muscatbay.com> *Subject:* Re: MuscatBay x Tadoom Proposal Dear Vanessa, Thank you for the update. Please focus on your medical appointments; we can handle the proposal updates afterwards. Let us know when you're ready to proceed. Best regards, Abdulrahim Al Balushi Assets & Operation Assistant Manager *T: *+968 24857000 *F: *+968 24826522 PO Box 605, Postal Code 115, Sultanate of Oman *www.muscatbay.com <http://muscatbay.com/>* [image: signatureImage] This e-mail contains proprietary information some of which may be legally privileged. This e-mail is intended to be reviewed only by the individual(s) or organizations named above. If you are not an intended recipient, or an authorized representative of an intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication, or any of its content or attachments, is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this message in error, please return it to the sender immediately and delete the original message and any copy of it from your computer system. Saraya is neither liable for the proper and complete transmission of the information contained in this communication nor for any delay in its receipt ------------------------------ *From:* Vanessa Humphrey <vanessa.humphrey@tadoom.om> *Sent:* Monday, May 13, 2024 2:04:32 PM *To:* Abdulrahim AlBalushi <aalbalushi@muscatbay.com>; Ammar AL Sulaimani < ammar.alsulaimani@tadoom.om>; Abdullah Al Badi <abdullah.albadi@tadoom.om> *Cc:* Hamood Al Hosni <halhosni@muscatbay.com>; Abdullah AlNasiri < aalnasiri@muscatbay.com> *Subject:* RE: MuscatBay x Tadoom Proposal Dear Abdulrahim, Thank you for your email and apologies for the delay. I am navigating between medical exams today and will catch up tomorrow on updating the proposal and the partnership agreement. Appreciate your understanding, Best regards, Vanessa *From:* Abdulrahim AlBalushi <aalbalushi@muscatbay.com> *Sent:* Monday, May 13, 2024 10:45 AM *To:* Vanessa Humphrey <vanessa.humphrey@tadoom.om>; Ammar AL Sulaimani < ammar.alsulaimani@tadoom.om>; Abdullah Al Badi <abdullah.albadi@tadoom.om> *Cc:* Hamood Al Hosni <halhosni@muscatbay.com>; Abdullah AlNasiri < aalnasiri@muscatbay.com> *Subject:* Re: MuscatBay x Tadoom Proposal Dear Team, I hope this email finds you well. Please find attached the minutes from our last meeting on the smart meter implementation at Muscat Bay. The document outlines the key points discussed and our next steps. *We are awaiting your final confirmation on the agreed pricing of 2.7 OMR per meter as discussed. Please review the attached minutes and confirm at your earliest convenience.* Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Best regards, Abdulrahim Al Balushi Assets & Operation Assistant Manager *T: *+968 24857000 *F: *+968 24826522 PO Box 605, Postal Code 115, Sultanate of Oman *www.muscatbay.com <http://muscatbay.com/>* [image: signatureImage] This e-mail contains proprietary information some of which may be legally privileged. This e-mail is intended to be reviewed only by the individual(s) or organizations named above. If you are not an intended recipient, or an authorized representative of an intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication, or any of its content or attachments, is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this message in error, please return it to the sender immediately and delete the original message and any copy of it from your computer system. Saraya is neither liable for the proper and complete transmission of the information contained in this communication nor for any delay in its receipt ------------------------------ *From:* Abdullah AlNasiri <aalnasiri@muscatbay.com> *Sent:* Monday, May 6, 2024 2:30:39 PM *To:* Vanessa Humphrey <vanessa.humphrey@tadoom.om>; Abdulrahim AlBalushi < aalbalushi@muscatbay.com>; Hamood Al Hosni <halhosni@muscatbay.com> *Cc:* Ammar AL Sulaimani <ammar.alsulaimani@tadoom.om>; Abdullah Al Badi < abdullah.albadi@tadoom.om> *Subject:* RE: MuscatBay x Tadoom Proposal Dear Vanessa Let us make it Thursday 9th of May at 2 pm in your office. Please send the invite. Regards Abdullah AlNasiri Vice President- Customer Experience *T: *+968 24 857000 F: <+968%2024%20640000>+968 24 826522 M: <+968%2095%20194694> +968 95 790000 PO Box 605, Postal Code 115, Sultanate of Oman www.muscatbay.com <http://muscatbay.com/> <https://muscatbay.com/smartinvestor/en/> This e-mail contains proprietary information some of which may be legally privileged. This e-mail is intended to be reviewed only by the individual(s) or organizations named above. If you are not an intended recipient, or an authorized representative of an intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication, or any of its content or attachments, is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this message in error, please return it to the sender immediately and delete the original message and any copy of it from your computer system. Saraya is neither liable for the proper and complete transmission of the information contained in this communication nor for any delay in its receipt *From:* Vanessa Humphrey [mailto:vanessa.humphrey@tadoom.om] *Sent:* Sunday, May 5, 2024 4:23 PM *To:* Abdullah AlNasiri <aalnasiri@muscatbay.com>; Abdulrahim AlBalushi < aalbalushi@muscatbay.com>; Hamood Al Hosni <halhosni@muscatbay.com> *Cc:* Ammar AL Sulaimani <ammar.alsulaimani@tadoom.om>; Abdullah Al Badi < abdullah.albadi@tadoom.om> *Subject:* MuscatBay x Tadoom Proposal Dear Abdullah, Dear Muscat Bay team, First, I hope you are doing fine, and that Thursday’s weather did not get too much impact on the Muscat Bay community. I am reaching out to reschedule our meeting. When would be a nice time for you meet? *Best Regards,* *Vanessa Humphrey* Advisor Email: vanessa.humphrey@tadoom.om Mobile: +968 79112080 [image: Title: line art] <https://www.linkedin.com/company/tadoom> <https://www.instagram.com/tadoom.om/> <https://twitter.com/Tadoom_om> _________________ ARPro Mail Assistance : ### Email Summary **Subject:** RE: MuscatBay x Tadoom Proposal **From:** Abdullah AlNasiri **To:** Vanessa Humphrey, Abdulrahim AlBalushi **Date:** Wed, 26 Jun 2024 10:39:07 +0400 **Critical Technical Details:** 1. **Contract Status Inquiry:** Abdullah AlNasiri is requesting an update on the status of the contract with Tadoom. 2. **Previous Communications:** - **June 12, 2024:** Vanessa Humphrey mentioned that legal comments on the contract would be provided soon. - **June 9, 2024:** Abdullah AlNasiri sent a revised version (V1 draft) of the contract for review. - **May 21, 2024:** Vanessa Humphrey shared the initial contract model for legal review, stating it aligns with national standards. - **May 9, 2024:** Discussion on the strategic partnership and pricing of 2.7 OMR per meter. - **May 6, 2024:** Scheduled meeting on May 9, 2024, to discuss the proposal. **Immediate Actions Needed:** 1. **Contract Review:** Ensure that the revised V1 draft sent on June 9, 2024, is reviewed by the legal team. 2. **Follow-up with Vanessa:** Confirm the status of the legal comments and any necessary revisions. 3. **Finalize Agreement:** Aim to finalize the contract and address any pending issues to avoid further delays. **Urgent Issues:** 1. **Contract Finalization:** The delay in finalizing the contract could impact the strategic partnership and the implementation of the smart meter solution. 2. **Legal Review:** Prompt legal review and feedback are crucial to move forward with the partnership agreement. --- ### Draft Response **To:** Vanessa Humphrey <vanessa.humphrey@tadoom.om> **Cc:** Abdullah AlNasiri <aalnasiri@muscatbay.com>, Hamood Al Hosni <halhosni@muscatbay.com>, Abdullah Al Badi <abdullah.albadi@tadoom.om>, Ammar AL Sulaimani <ammar.alsulaimani@tadoom.om>, Shireen AlHabib <Salhabib@muscatbay.com> **Subject:** Re: RE: MuscatBay x Tadoom Proposal Dear Vanessa, I hope this message finds you well. Thank you for your previous updates regarding the MuscatBay x Tadoom Proposal. We appreciate your efforts in addressing our concerns and sharing the initial contract model. To expedite the process, could you please provide an update on