Enhancing Our Irrigation System: A Sustainable Initiative


Dear Residents of Muscat Bay,

We are pleased to inform you of the successful completion of a recent infrastructure enhancement project on [03-04-2024], further demonstrating our commitment to community well-being and environmental stewardship.

Project Overview:

Project Goal: To enhance the existing irrigation system by connecting it to treated water from our Sewage Treatment Plant (STP).


  • Water Conservation: This initiative is estimated to reduce our reliance on potable water sources by 15% .
  • Improved Landscaping: The upgraded water supply will promote the health and resilience of our green spaces, plantations, and landscaping.

Environmental Responsibility:

This project aligns with our commitment to sustainability by utilizing a readily available water source.

Project Completion Stages:

  • Excavation and Mechanical Fittings: We conducted a safe and meticulous excavation process to lay the new irrigation line. All mechanical fittings underwent rigorous checks and are securely in place.
  • Water Source and Quality: The treated water from our STP plant undergoes stringent testing based on Haya Water specific standards, and guidelines. These comprehensive tests confirm its suitability for irrigation purposes.

Community Engagement:

Transparency and community involvement are important to us. We appreciate your patience as we completed the final steps of the project.

Anticipated Questions:

  • Where is the water coming from? Answer: The water originates from our STP plant, where it undergoes thorough treatment to meet safety standards for irrigation purposes.
  • Why are we using this water? Answer: Utilizing treated water ensures environmental sustainability and reduces strain on our potable water supply.
  • What about water quality tests? Answer: Rigorous testing confirms that the treated water meets all relevant safety standards.

Next Steps:

We recently completed the project by closing the excavation and securing it with interlocks.


We are committed to continuous improvement and will keep you informed of future initiatives. We look forward to celebrating this successful sustainable development project with you, our valued residents. Should you have any questions or require further details, please do not hesitate to reach out.

Best regards,

Abdulrahim, Albalushi, Assets and operation aalbalushi@muscatbay.com