Evaluation Criteria and Scoring Method

Nov 14, 2023 12:18 PM
Evaluation Report for STP O&M.pptx762.0KB

Evaluation Criteria and Scoring Method

  1. Tender Executive Summary (10%)
    • Evaluate clarity, comprehensiveness, and relevance.
    • Score out of 10: Higher scores for clear, concise summaries that effectively outline the proposal's key points.
  2. Related Experience (10%)
    • Assess the relevance and extent of past experience in similar projects.
    • Score out of 10: More points for extensive and directly relevant past work.
  3. Work in Hand (5%)
    • Consider the current workload and how it might impact the project's delivery.
    • Score out of 5: Lower scores if current workload seems too high, potentially affecting this project.
  4. Proposed Added Value (5%)
    • Look for innovative solutions or additional benefits not explicitly required.
    • Score out of 5: Reward creative and beneficial added features.
  5. Sub-facility Management (10%)
    • Evaluate plans for managing various components of the facility.
    • Score out of 10: Detailed, efficient sub-facility management plans score higher.
  6. Resources and Facilities (10%)
    • Assess the quality and adequacy of proposed resources and facilities.
    • Score out of 10: High-quality, well-suited resources and facilities should receive higher scores.

Scoring Each Proposal

For each proposal:

  1. Assign scores for each criterion based on the guidelines above.
  2. Multiply each score by the respective weight (e.g., a score of 7 in Executive Summary becomes 0.7 after applying the 10% weight).
  3. Sum these weighted scores to get the cumulative score for each proposal.