RFP - Documents

Nov 14, 2023 12:18 PM
Evaluation Report for STP O&M.pptx762.0KB
RFP For Five Years Operation and Maintenance of Sewerage Treatment Plant.pdf1088.8KB

Evaluation Criteria and Scoring Method

  1. Tender Executive Summary (10%)
    • Evaluate clarity, comprehensiveness, and relevance.
    • Score out of 10: Higher scores for clear, concise summaries that effectively outline the proposal's key points.
  2. Related Experience (10%)
    • Assess the relevance and extent of past experience in similar projects.
    • Score out of 10: More points for extensive and directly relevant past work.
  3. Work in Hand (5%)
    • Consider the current workload and how it might impact the project's delivery.
    • Score out of 5: Lower scores if current workload seems too high, potentially affecting this project.
  4. Proposed Added Value (5%)
    • Look for innovative solutions or additional benefits not explicitly required.
    • Score out of 5: Reward creative and beneficial added features.
  5. Sub-facility Management (10%)
    • Evaluate plans for managing various components of the facility.
    • Score out of 10: Detailed, efficient sub-facility management plans score higher.
  6. Resources and Facilities (10%)
    • Assess the quality and adequacy of proposed resources and facilities.
    • Score out of 10: High-quality, well-suited resources and facilities should receive higher scores.

Scoring Each Proposal

For each proposal:

  1. Assign scores for each criterion based on the guidelines above.
  2. Multiply each score by the respective weight (e.g., a score of 7 in Executive Summary becomes 0.7 after applying the 10% weight).
  3. Sum these weighted scores to get the cumulative score for each proposal.

Comparative Analysis

After scoring:

  1. Compare the strengths and weaknesses of each proposal.
  2. Highlight any outstanding or lacking areas in each proposal.
  3. Consider how each proposal aligns with the project's overall goals and requirements.

Final Steps

  • If you find missing or unclear information, note it down, and I can assist in formulating questions for the bidders.
  • After scoring, share the scores with me for a comparative analysis.