kickoff Meeting Agenda - Kalhat 01

kickoff Meeting Agenda - Kalhat 01

Workshop Details
Project Name
Muscat Bay AMC FM Service
Date & Time
Muscat Bay
Abdullah, Sapumal, Nouf & Abdulrahim
Details & Tips
Schedule the workshop at the beginning of the project with all key players: design team, stakeholders, SMEs, decision-makers, etc.
Time: 1.5 hours to a full day depending on the complexity of the discussions.
All of the notes we make here will update automatically in your Kick-Off Workshop Summary
Meeting Agenda

Muscat Bay AMC FM Service Project: Management Checklist

Project Overview & Scope of Work

Has the full scope of FM services been clearly defined and communicated to all stakeholders?
Are there any areas within the scope of work that require further clarification or adjustment?

Service Level Agreements (SLAs) & Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Are the SLAs and KPIs aligned with Muscat Bay’s operational standards and expectations?
Is there a process in place for the periodic review and adjustment of KPIs to ensure they remain relevant and achievable?

Roles and Responsibilities

Have roles and responsibilities been clearly defined and communicated to each team member?
Are there clear protocols for communication and escalation paths for addressing issues or concerns?

Project Management Software & Tools

Has the implementation timeline for the CAFM/CMMS tool been established and communicated?
Are there training sessions planned for staff to ensure effective utilization of the project management software?

Training & Staff Development

Is there a continuous training program in place for staff to ensure they meet service quality standards?
How will staff engagement and retention be managed to maintain a high level of service delivery?

Innovation & Continuous Improvement

What processes are in place for identifying and implementing service delivery innovations?
How will continuous improvement be measured and evaluated?

Risk Management & Contingency Planning

Has a comprehensive risk management plan been developed, covering potential operational risks?
Are contingency plans in place for critical services to minimize disruption during unforeseen events?

Financial & Administrative Provisions

Are billing, invoicing, and payment terms clearly understood and agreed upon by all parties?
Is there a process for handling contractual amendments or changes to the scope of work?

Compliance & Legal Obligations

Are all services provided in compliance with local regulations and standards?
Is insurance coverage adequate to protect both parties against potential claims?

Sustainability Initiatives

How will sustainability be integrated into service delivery to ensure eco-friendly practices are adopted?

Review & Feedback

Is there a structured feedback mechanism in place for ongoing evaluation of service quality?
Are there regular meetings scheduled with top management to review project progress and performance?
We would LOVE to hear you’re feedback and learn more about how you’re using in your presentation development and design workflow
This Kick-Off Agenda is a resource created by