Asset Management - AR

Asset Management - AR

Muscat Bay Asset Management Dashboard



  • Asset Overview: Quick access to all asset details, including location, maintenance history, and next scheduled service.
  • Maintenance Schedules: Up-to-date information on upcoming maintenance activities.
  • Stakeholder Updates: Real-time notifications and reports tailored for stakeholder engagement and operational transparency.

We are committed to maintaining the excellence of Muscat Bay through meticulous asset management and stakeholder collaboration.

Welcome to the Muscat Bay Asset Management Dashboard


This dashboard is designed to streamline the maintenance management of Muscat Bay’s premier properties and facilities. It serves as a dynamic tool to ensure that each asset is maintained according to the highest standards, thereby preserving the value and functionality of our esteemed community.

This page provides a comprehensive overview of all assets within Muscat Bay, detailing maintenance schedules and current asset conditions. Our objective is to facilitate proactive maintenance, efficient asset management, and seamless communication among stakeholders.

Final Aggregated Asssets-Full context of the datasheet-Full context of the datasheet