MBR: Detailed Maintenance Plan and Procedures Checklist


Facility Name: Muscat Bay STP

Date: __________

Report Prepared By: ____________

System Capacity: 750 m³/day

Design Flow Rate: 31.25 m³/hr

Initial TMP: 35 kP

Executive Summary

A brief overview of the system performance, key maintenance actions taken, and any critical observations from the day.

Detailed Maintenance Plan and Procedures Checklist

Pre-Operational Checks

Review system drawings (P&ID, GA, Electrical Diagrams) and documentation (Mechanical Equipment, Electrical Component) before initial start-up.

Safety and Compliance

Ensure the mandatory use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) when performing maintenance or handling chemicals.
Use only OEM-approved chemicals (e.g., NaOCl + NaOH for cleaning, Citric Acid for descaling) adhering to specified concentrations.
Specific Chemical Handling Protocols: Implement detailed handling, storage, and disposal procedures for chemicals to enhance safety and environmental compliance.
Verify Chlorine Concentration for MC: Regularly verify chlorine concentration for Maintenance Cleaning (MC), ensuring it's at the standard concentration of 125 ppm. This verification should be done monthly in temperate regions and weekly in warmer climates.

Regular Maintenance Activities

Perform Maintenance Cleaning (MC) regularly, with a 30-45 minute chemical cycle, potentially multiple times daily. Normal concentration for chlorine: 125 ppm.
Conduct Recovery Cleaning (RC) twice a year or as indicated by performance decline, with more intensive cleaning procedures.
Daily or weekly visual inspections of the membrane modules for wear, damage, or fouling.
Chemical Use in MC and RC: For MC, sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) is the primary chemical, with citric acid used if scaling is an issue. RC involves soaking in sodium hypochlorite followed by citric acid, carried out sequentially without returning to production in between.

Logbooks and Documentation

Maintain detailed records in the Operator Logbook, Cleaning Logbook, Materials and Lab Logbooks, including maintenance activities, cleaning procedures, material usage, and laboratory experiments.
Maintenance of Cleaning Log Book: Keep a detailed cleaning log book as per Section 7.3.4, documenting the performance and efficiency of both MC and RC procedures.

Performance Monitoring and Optimization

Regular testing of influent and effluent for key parameters (COD, Ammonia) and record these weekly on-site and monthly via an external laboratory.
Monitor and adjust cleaning frequency and chemical usage based on membrane performance data. Maintain a Cleaning Logbook for tracking.

Training and Communication

Ensure all operators are trained on system operations, maintenance procedures, and safety protocols as outlined in the OEM manual.
Regular Training Sessions: Schedule periodic training and competency assessments for operators on the latest membrane maintenance techniques and safety protocols.
Maintain regular communication with the OEM for support, troubleshooting, and optimization advice.
Optimization Based on OEM Advice: Consult with KMS representatives for advice on optimizing cleaning strategies and procedure efficiencies.

Specific Intervals and Practices

Daily Checks

Visual inspections of the membrane system.
Check and log operational parameters.

Weekly Activities

Test influent and effluent for COD and Ammonia.
Perform at least one Maintenance Clean (MC) using specified chemicals and concentrations.

Monthly Activities

Verify chlorine concentration for MC in temperate regions (weekly in warmer climates).
External laboratory testing of water parameters.

Semi-Annual Activities

Perform Recovery Cleaning (RC) to address any performance decline.
Review and adjust MC and RC procedures based on performance data and seasonal changes.

Additional Enhancements

Membrane System Emergency Protocols: Develop and document specific emergency response procedures for system failures or chemical spills.
Technology Updates: Stay updated with new technologies or equipment enhancements for membrane maintenance.
Vendor Consultation: Establish a routine for consulting with manufacturers on maintenance practices and warranty support.
Predictive Maintenance Tools: If available, incorporate tools to forecast potential failures, allowing for preemptive maintenance.
Environmental Considerations: Assess and document the environmental impact of membrane maintenance, focusing on minimizing chemical use and waste.
Periodic Review of Maintenance Plan: Schedule regular reviews to update the maintenance plan based on operational insights and performance data.

This comprehensive maintenance plan and procedures checklist is designed to ensure the longevity and efficiency of the membrane system, aligning with OEM recommendations and best practices for STP plant operations.


Operator Signature: _____________________

Supervisor Signature: _____________________ (if applicable)

Review Date: _______________