
Water Monthly Report - Apr 24

Water Monthly Report - Apr 24


Insights from the Dataset

  1. Persistent Water Loss:
    • There is a consistent and significant difference between Main BULK (L1) and Sub BULK (L2) water meter readings, indicating potential water loss in common areas.
    • The differences range from -1,730 cubic meters in March 2024 to -2,689 cubic meters in November 2023.
  2. Increasing Water Discrepancies:
    • The total water loss between L1, L2, and L3 is increasing over time, with April 2024 showing the highest cumulative loss of -6,312 cubic meters.
    • This trend suggests that existing water loss issues are either worsening or not being effectively managed.
  3. High-Loss Zones:
    • Zones such as Hotel 02 and Zone 05 consistently show the largest discrepancies between meter readings.
    • These areas are critical hotspots for water loss and likely require immediate attention and repairs.
  4. Inefficient Irrigation Practices:
    • Significant water losses are observed in irrigation zones, particularly Zone 8 Irrigation and Road Irrigation.
    • This points to potential inefficiencies in irrigation practices or infrastructure, leading to substantial water wastage.
  5. Potential Infrastructure Issues:
    • The aging infrastructure could be a contributing factor to the observed water losses, particularly in high-discrepancy zones.
    • Regular maintenance and infrastructure upgrades are necessary to address these issues.
  6. Impact of Seasonality:
    • Seasonal variations may affect water usage and loss patterns, as indicated by fluctuating water consumption figures across different months.
    • Understanding these patterns can help in planning and optimizing water usage accordingly.
  7. Need for Advanced Monitoring:
    • The discrepancies highlight the need for implementing advanced water metering technologies for real-time monitoring and better management of water resources.
    • Smart meters can help in quickly identifying and addressing water loss issues.
  8. Actionable Steps for Improvement:
    • Immediate leak detection surveys and repairs in high-loss zones.
    • Optimizing irrigation schedules and techniques to reduce water waste.
    • Educating residents and businesses on water conservation practices to promote efficient water use.
  9. Financial and Environmental Impact:
    • Addressing water loss can lead to significant financial savings and contribute to environmental sustainability by reducing unnecessary water wastage.
  10. Strategic Planning and Implementation:
    • Establishing a strategic plan with clear timelines for leak detection, infrastructure upgrades, and implementation of advanced metering technologies.
    • Regular audits and maintenance schedules to ensure long-term efficiency and sustainability of water resources at Muscat Bay.


Line Chart: Main BULK vs. Sub BULK Readings

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

months = ["Nov. 2023", "Dec. 2023", "Jan. 2024", "Feb. 2024", "Mar. 2024", "Apr. 2024"]
main_bulk = [31858, 29063, 30983, 27045, 25678, 30864]
sub_bulk = [29169, 26526, 28613, 25011, 23948, 28643]

plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
plt.plot(months, main_bulk, marker='o', label='Main BULK Watermeter')
plt.plot(months, sub_bulk, marker='o', label='Sub BULK Watermeter')
plt.ylabel('Water Usage (M3)')
plt.title('Main BULK vs. Sub BULK Watermeter Readings')

This code correctly generates a line chart to compare Main BULK and Sub BULK readings.

Bar Chart: Monthly Differences (L1 - L2)

differences_l1_l2 = [-2689, -2537, -2370, -2034, -1730, -2221]

plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
plt.bar(months, differences_l1_l2, color='skyblue')
plt.ylabel('Difference (M3)')
plt.title('Monthly Differences Between Main BULK and Sub BULK Watermeters')

This code correctly generates a bar chart showing the differences between Main BULK and Sub BULK readings.

Stacked Bar Chart: Cumulative Monthly Differences (L2 - L3)

import numpy as np

differences_l2_l3 = [-2000, -1351, -2142, -2578, -3876, -4091]

plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
sub_bulk = np.array(sub_bulk)
plt.bar(months, sub_bulk, label='Sub BULK Watermeter', color='skyblue')
plt.bar(months, np.array(differences_l2_l3) + sub_bulk, bottom=sub_bulk, label='Difference (L2 - L3)', color='salmon')
plt.ylabel('Water Usage (M3)')
plt.title('Cumulative Monthly Differences (Sub BULK vs. Individual Meters)')

This code needs a correction in stacking the differences. The second bar should represent only the differences, so it needs to be fixed for accurate representation.

Heatmap: Areas with Significant Discrepancies

import seaborn as sns
import numpy as np

zones = ["Zone 03(A)Bulk", "Zone 03(B) Bulk", "Zone 05", "Zone 08", "FM Area", "Village Square", "Hotel 02", "Zone 8 Irrigation", "Road Irrigation(Up & Down)", "Sale Center", "STP meter", "Cabinet 02 Meter"]
data = np.array([
    [1176, 845, 1234, 1099, 1297, 1892],
    [2493, 2745, 2653, 2169, 2315, 2381],
    [3325, 2789, 4286, 3897, 4127, 4911],
    [1985, 1775, 2170, 1825, 2021, 2753],
    [2024, 2012, 1595, 1283, 1255, 1383],
    [27, 51, 26, 19, 72, 60],
    [14002, 12507, 14012, 12880, 11222, 13217],
    [1126, 1078, 764, 509, 440, 970],
    [2948, 2631, 1771, 1204, 1091, 979],
    [31, 40, 40, 46, 37, 35],
    [9, 27, 28, 47, 34, 27],
    [23, 26, 34, 33, 37, 35]

plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8))
sns.heatmap(data, annot=True, fmt="d", cmap="YlGnBu", xticklabels=months, yticklabels=zones)
plt.title('Heatmap of Water Usage by Zone and Month')

This code correctly generates a heatmap to visualize water usage by zone and month.

Final Report Content Adjustments

  • In section 4.2 Sub BULK vs. Individual Meters, ensure that differences are correctly stated as positive to indicate the additional water measured by sub-bulk meters compared to individual meters.
  • The Stacked Bar Chart code needs to be adjusted to accurately represent the difference values, ensuring that the differences are plotted correctly.

1. Executive Summary

1.1 Key Highlights

  • Significant water losses identified between main bulk water meters (L1) and sub-bulk water meters (L2), as well as between sub-bulk water meters and individual meters (L3).
  • Highest losses observed in the zones with large irrigation areas and the hotel sector.
  • An increasing trend in water loss over the quarter, with April 2024 showing the highest discrepancies.

1.2 Summary of Recommendations

  • Immediate investigation and repair of leaks in zones with the highest discrepancies.
  • Implementation of advanced water metering technologies for better monitoring.
  • Regular maintenance schedules to prevent future losses.

2. Introduction

2.1 Purpose of the Report

  • To provide detailed insights into water usage and loss at Muscat Bay for Q1 2024.
  • To identify areas with significant discrepancies and suggest actionable steps to mitigate water loss.

2.2 Overview of Non-Revenue Water (NRW)

  • NRW refers to water that is produced but not billed to customers due to leaks, theft, or metering inaccuracies.
  • Managing NRW is crucial for financial sustainability and environmental conservation.

3. Water Metering at Muscat Bay

3.1 Levels of Water Metering

  • L1: Main BULK Watermeter: Measures the total water entering Muscat Bay.
  • L2: Sub BULK Watermeter: Measures water distribution to different zones.
  • L3: Individual Meters: Measures consumption at the residential or property level within each zone.

3.2 Relationships and Differences

  • Relationship: L1 should equal the total of L2 readings. L2 should equal the total of L3 readings.
  • Differences:
    • L1 - L2: Indicates water loss or leaks in common areas.
    • L2 - L3: Indicates water loss or leaks within zones.
    • Total Water Loss: Calculated as (L1 - L2) + (L2 - L3).

3.3 Implications of Water Consumption Differences

  • Identifying discrepancies helps pinpoint areas of water loss.
  • Addressing these discrepancies can lead to significant water savings and improved operational efficiency.

4. Data Summary and Analysis

4.1 Main BULK vs. Sub BULK Water Meters

Monthly Readings:

L1: Main BULK
L2: Sub BULK
Difference (L1 - L2)
Nov. 2023
Dec. 2023
Jan. 2024
Feb. 2024
Mar. 2024
Apr. 2024


  • There is a consistent discrepancy between the Main BULK and Sub BULK water meters across all months.
  • The difference ranges from -1,730 cubic meters in March 2024 to -2,689 cubic meters in November 2023.
  • These discrepancies indicate potential water losses in the common areas of Muscat Bay.


  • Line Chart: Main BULK vs. Sub BULK Readings
  • Bar Chart: Monthly Differences (L1 - L2)

4.2 Sub BULK vs. Individual Meters

Monthly Readings:

| Month | L2: Sub BULK | L3: Individual | Difference (L2 - L3) | |----------------

|--------------|----------------|-----------------------| | Nov. 2023 | 29,169 | 27,169 | -2,000 | | Dec. 2023 | 26,526 | 25,175 | -1,351 | | Jan. 2024 | 28,613 | 26,471 | -2,142 | | Feb. 2024 | 25,011 | 22,433 | -2,578 | | Mar. 2024 | 23,948 | 20,072 | -3,876 | | Apr. 2024 | 28,643 | 24,552 | -4,091 |


  • The discrepancies between Sub BULK and Individual meters show significant water losses within the zones.
  • The largest difference is observed in April 2024, with a loss of 4,091 cubic meters.
  • Consistent losses indicate possible issues with zone-level water distribution or consumption.


  • Stacked Bar Chart: Cumulative Monthly Differences (L2 - L3)
  • Heatmap: Areas with Significant Discrepancies

5. Observations and Key Insights

5.1 Significant Water Losses

  • The total water loss between L1, L2, and L3 is increasing over time, with April 2024 showing the highest cumulative loss.
  • High-loss zones include those with extensive irrigation areas and the hotel sector.

5.2 Highest Loss Zones

  • Hotel 02 and Zone 05 consistently show the largest discrepancies, indicating possible leaks or high unaccounted-for water usage.
  • Irrigation zones, particularly Zone 8 Irrigation and Road Irrigation, also contribute significantly to water loss.

5.3 Potential Causes

  • Aging infrastructure leading to leaks.
  • Inefficient water use in irrigation systems.
  • Possible unauthorized water usage or metering inaccuracies.

5.4 Action Plans

  • Immediate Actions:
    • Conduct a detailed leak detection survey in high-loss zones.
    • Repair identified leaks promptly.
  • Mid-term Actions:
    • Implement advanced water metering technologies for real-time monitoring.
    • Optimize irrigation schedules and techniques to reduce water waste.
  • Long-term Actions:
    • Establish regular maintenance and audit schedules.
    • Educate residents and commercial entities on water conservation practices.

6. Comprehensive Data Tables

Monthly Readings Summary:

L1: Main BULK
L2: Sub BULK
L3: Individual
Total Loss (L1 - L2 - L3)
Nov. 2023
Dec. 2023
Jan. 2024
Feb. 2024
Mar. 2024
Apr. 2024

7. Action Plans

Immediate Actions:

  • Leak Detection and Repair:
    • Conduct surveys in Hotel 02, Zone 05, and irrigation zones.
    • Repair identified leaks within one month.

Mid-term Actions:

  • Advanced Metering Implementation:
    • Install smart meters for real-time monitoring.
    • Complete installation within six months.

Long-term Actions:

  • Maintenance and Education:
    • Establish a regular maintenance schedule.
    • Educate residents and businesses on water conservation.
    • Implement within one year.

8. Appendices

  • Appendix A: Detailed Data Tables
  • Appendix B: Methodology and Assumptions
  • Appendix C: Additional Charts and Graphs

9. References

  • Data sources: Muscat Bay water management reports.
  • Industry standards: International Water Association (IWA) guidelines on NRW management.