Operations and Maintenance Report for Muscat Bay STP (May 2024)


Operations and Maintenance Report for Muscat Bay STP (May 2024)

Date: June 8, 2024

Introduction and Objective

The primary objective of this report is to provide an in-depth analysis of the operational performance of the Muscat Bay Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) for May 2024. This report aims to identify the root causes of underperformance, with a focus on maintenance discrepancies, tanker management, operator monitoring, flow rate inconsistencies, and shutdowns. The ultimate goal is to propose actionable recommendations that will enable the plant to achieve its design capacity of 750 m³/day.

Key Issues and Findings

Maintenance Work and Discrepancies

The daily reports consistently lack detailed maintenance logs. While major cleaning and Preventive Planned Maintenance (PPM) were performed on Membrane 1, Membrane 2 did not receive similar attention. This discrepancy suggests a significant gap in the maintenance routine, potentially contributing to frequent shutdowns and reduced plant performance. As per our agreement, the target date to address all issues of the STP plant was set for March 7, 2024. However, this has not been accomplished, and some equipment remains non-operational. Additionally, the maintenance activities are not properly documented, and no monthly reports have been provided, despite repeated reminders.

Missing Reports

A notable issue identified is the inconsistency in daily report submissions, with reports missing for May 3, 28, 29, and 30. Despite streamlining the reporting process through structured templates and easy submissions via a provided link, discrepancies persist. It appears operators are omitting reports and are inconsistent in their submissions, even though the process has been made straightforward and readily accessible.

Shutdowns and Operator Monitoring

Frequent shutdowns due to low water levels in the equalization tank were recorded, particularly in the early morning hours. The dates affected include May 14, 16, 20, 22, 25, 26, and 27. The consistent timing of these shutdowns raises concerns about operator performance during night shifts, suggesting possible negligence or improper calculation of sewage levels. This indicates that corrective actions are not being implemented effectively, as the repeated nature of these shutdowns suggests continuous oversight and a lack of adherence to corrective measures.

Design Capacity vs. Actual Production


The plant has consistently operated below its design capacity of 750 m³/day. The Total Suspended Solids (TSS) effluent water output demonstrated significant daily variability, with production figures ranging from 345 m³ to 479 m³. This underutilization results in operational inefficiencies and reduced treatment performance.

Inflow Variability


The daily inflow data showed significant fluctuations, especially around mid-May. These inconsistencies in inflow volumes directly impact the plant's ability to maintain steady treatment loads and effluent quality. The variability is likely due to irregular tanker discharges and potential blockages in the inflow system. Despite the operators controlling the number of tankers, it appears they have not adequately calculated to ensure the equalization tanks consistently contain sufficient sewage, leading to inflow shortages.

Operational Practices and Equipment Performance

The variability in treated water flow rates for MBR-1 and MBR-2, combined with significant fluctuations in production and inflow volumes, indicates systemic issues within the plant's operational practices and equipment performance. The irregularities suggest poor inflow management and potential equipment failures or suboptimal performance.

Detailed Shutdown Analysis

A pattern of shutdowns due to low water levels in the equalization tank was observed, with specific shutdowns occurring at early morning hours. These shutdowns were not always detailed comprehensively in the daily reports, indicating a need for more rigorous reporting practices.

Plant Shutdown and Timing

Inlet Sewage Volume (m³)
Time of Shutdown
May 13, 2024
Day before shutdown on May 14, 2024
May 14, 2024
Shutdown due to low water level
2:40 am
May 15, 2024
Day before shutdown on May 16, 2024
May 16, 2024
Shutdown due to low water level
5:35 am
May 19, 2024
Day before shutdown on May 20, 2024
May 20, 2024
Shutdown due to low water level
12:35 am
May 20, 2024
Day before shutdown on May 21, 2024
May 21, 2024
Shutdown due to low water level
3:35 am
May 21, 2024
Day before shutdown on May 22, 2024
May 22, 2024
Shutdown due to low water level
3:35 am
May 24, 2024
Day before shutdown on May 25, 2024
May 25, 2024
Shutdown due to low water level
7:00 am
May 26, 2024
Day before shutdown on May 27, 2024
May 27, 2024
Shutdown due to low water level
5:35 am

Missing Reports

Reason for Missing Report
May 3, 2024
Not provided
May 28, 2024
Not provided
May 29, 2024
Not provided
May 30, 2024
Not provided

Root Cause Analysis for Inflow Issues

A comprehensive analysis of the inflow data revealed significant drops in the inlet sewage volume on the days of the shutdowns. This consistent drop suggests issues with inflow management, potentially due to irregular tanker discharges or blockages within the system.

Data Compilation for Shutdown Dates and Prior Days

Inlet Sewage Volume (m³)
May 13, 2024
Day before shutdown on May 14, 2024
May 14, 2024
Shutdown due to low water level
May 15, 2024
Day before shutdown on May 16, 2024
May 16, 2024
Shutdown due to low water level
May 19, 2024
Day before shutdown on May 20, 2024
May 20, 2024
Shutdown due to low water level
May 20, 2024
Day before shutdown on May 21, 2024
May 21, 2024
Shutdown due to low water level
May 21, 2024
Day before shutdown on May 22, 2024
May 22, 2024
Shutdown due to low water level
May 24, 2024
Day before shutdown on May 25, 2024
May 25, 2024
Shutdown due to low water level
May 26, 2024
Day before shutdown on May 27, 2024
May 27, 2024
Shutdown due to low water level

Recommendations and Actions

Based on the comprehensive analysis of the operational performance and the identified issues, the following recommendations and actions are proposed to address the underperformance and achieve the design capacity of 750 m³/day:

Immediate Actions (0-1 month)
Schedule PPM for Membrane 2
Perform comprehensive maintenance and cleaning.
Immediate Actions (0-1 month)
Review and Optimize Tanker Scheduling Policies
Ensure consistent sewage inflow.
Immediate Actions (0-1 month)
Install Automated Monitoring Systems for the Equalization Tank
Implement real-time alerts for critical levels.
Mid-term Actions (1-3 months)
Implement Synchronized Maintenance Schedules for Both Membranes
Ensure regular and balanced maintenance.
Mid-term Actions (1-3 months)
Develop and Enforce Strict Operator Monitoring Protocols
Especially for night shifts to ensure continuous monitoring.
Mid-term Actions (1-3 months)
Enhance Real-time Monitoring and Predictive Maintenance Tools
Use advanced technologies for proactive management.
Long-term Actions (3-6 months)
Establish Continuous Improvement Program Using Lean and Six Sigma Methodologies
Focus on enhancing operational efficiency.
Long-term Actions (3-6 months)
Conduct Regular Training Sessions for Operators on Best Practices and Accountability
Ensure operators are well-trained and accountable.
Long-term Actions (3-6 months)
Improve Coordination and Scheduling of Tanker Discharges
Use real-time data to adjust tanker schedules and inflow rates.


By addressing the identified issues and implementing the recommended actions, the Muscat Bay STP plant can significantly improve its operational efficiency, maintain consistent data reporting, and ensure compliance with industry standards. Regular monitoring and optimization of key parameters will help achieve the design capacity and enhance overall plant performance.

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