Muscat Bay Water Management: Strategic Economic Transition to Smart Metering

Muscat Bay Water Management: Strategic Economic Transition to Smart Metering

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Muscat Bay Water Management: Strategic Economic Transition to Smart Metering

  1. Executive Summary
  2. Introduction
  3. Current Economic Evaluation
  4. Tadoom's Smart Metering Proposal
  5. Technical Specifications and Considerations
  6. Non-Revenue Water (NRW) Reduction Strategy
  7. Maintenance and Support Services
  8. Commercial Model and Pricing
  9. Financial Projections: Projected Cost Savings
  10. Conclusion and Recommendations
  11. Appendices
Executive Summary

Objective: Transition to Tadoom's smart water meters to enhance operational efficiency, customer engagement, and sustainability at Muscat Bay.

Key Outcomes:

  • Agreed Pricing: Finalized at 2.7 OMR per meter with auto-valve functionality, significantly below initial quotes.
  • Rapid Implementation: Full rollout and system integration promised within one week, ensuring minimal disruption.
  • Long-Term Viability: Service fees set at 1.5 OMR per meter per month after the initial eight years, with strategic replacements based on performance assessments.

Background and Need for Upgrade:

  • Currently, Muscat Bay’s water metering relies on an outdated system managed by OIFC, lacking real-time data capabilities essential for modern resource management.
  • Upgrading to smart meters addresses critical needs for reducing non-revenue water (NRW), enhancing billing accuracy, and providing actionable customer data.

Scope of the Report:

  • This report outlines the implementation plan, financial details, and strategic benefits of upgrading to smart meters, designed to support Muscat Bay’s sustainability and efficiency goals.
  • The report includes the final agreed terms with Tadoom, detailing the pricing, implementation timeline, and long-term service arrangements.
Current Economic Evaluation

Overview of Expenses with OIFC

Service Components
Annual Costs (OMR)
Meter Reading and Billing
10,840 OMR
Faulty Meter Replacements
1,000 OMR (est.)
Water Loss from Inefficiencies
35,000 OMR (est.)
Additional Operational Costs
1,500 OMR (est.)

The above table reflects the current financial burden due to the conventional water metering system.

Tadoom's Smart Metering Proposal

Comparative Financial Insight

OIFC (Current)
Tadoom Standard
Tadoom with Remote Disconnect
Monthly Cost Per Meter
2.7 OMR
2.7 OMR
Real-Time Reading
Consumption Dashboard
Online Payment Gateway
Remote Disconnection
Automatic Billing & Reminders
Post-8-Year Software Management
1.5 OMR
1.5 OMR

Switching to Tadoom’s smart meters presents an opportunity for substantial monthly savings and improved customer interface.

FC-TCP-24-2-014 - Muscat Bay AMR solution - Tadoom Proposal V.10.pdf3985.5KB
Partnership Agreement_ Muscat Bay - May 20 2024.docx99.9KB

Financial Projections:

Water Conservation and Financial Returns

  • Graph 2: NRW Reduction

Projected Cost Savings

The Path to Economic Efficiency

AMR System and Meter Brand
  • AMR System Provider: Tadoom
  • AMR Technology: Smart Water AMR System based on a Fixed Network System via LoRa modulation using LoRaWAN.
  • Meter Brand: Siconia®
  • Meter Type and Communication: Siconia® water meters utilizing ultrasonic metrological technology, compatible with LoRaWAN &/OR WMBus communication protocols.

Challenges with Mechanical Meters and Smart Meter Solutions

Challenges with Mechanical Meters
Smart Meter Solutions
Data Collection
Manual readings prone to human error; time-consuming.
Automated readings eliminate errors and reduce time required.
Consumer Transparency
No real-time access to data; low consumer engagement.
Real-time data access via apps enhances transparency and engagement.
Payment Efficiency
Difficulties in timely payment collection.
Prepaid options and auto shut-off improve payment efficiencies.
Frequent calibrations and reactive maintenance required.
Minimal calibration; predictive maintenance reduces costs.
Meter Replacement
Slow replacement due to inventory issues; frequent failures.
Quick replacements from stock; less frequent failures.
Operational Efficiency
Extensive labor and time required for manual readings.
High operational efficiency with reduced labor
4. Tadoom's Smart Metering Proposal

Detailed Functionalities

Key Benefits
Smart Water Meters
Utilizes ultrasonic metrological technology to ensure precise water usage measurements. This technology eliminates the need for moving mechanical parts, thereby reducing maintenance and ensuring long-term accuracy. Communicates via secure LoRaWAN and/or WMBus protocols for data transmission, enabling real-time readings and advanced analytics to monitor usage patterns.
Provides highly accurate measurements of water usage, reducing billing errors and ensuring fair charges. Supports real-time data collection, allowing for immediate detection of leaks and other issues. Enables advanced analytics to monitor and optimize water usage patterns, leading to better resource management.
Smart Valves
Battery-operated devices designed for remote control of water flow. These valves can partially or fully shut off water supply remotely, useful for managing non-payment situations or performing maintenance. They integrate seamlessly with smart water meters for automated water management.
Allows utility companies to remotely disconnect water service in case of non-payment, reducing the need for manual intervention. Enhances maintenance control by enabling remote operation, reducing the need for on-site visits. Ensures high reliability and longevity, with minimal maintenance required.
LoRa Connectivity
Involves the strategic installation of LoRa gateways to establish a robust, long-range, and low-power communication network. LoRa technology is ideal for large-scale deployments as it provides extensive coverage and ensures secure data transmission with robust encryption and key management.
Provides comprehensive coverage of the area, ensuring that all smart meters and valves are connected and can communicate effectively. Ensures secure data transmission through robust encryption and key management, protecting user data. Facilitates efficient data flow with low power consumption, ideal for widespread deployment.
Billing and Customer Management System
Automates the entire billing process by utilizing real-time meter readings. This system includes a customer portal where users can view their water usage, receive bills, and make payments. It seamlessly integrates with existing ERP systems and various payment gateways, ensuring smooth and efficient operations.
Ensures accurate and timely billing by automating the process with real-time data, reducing human errors. Enhances customer engagement by providing a user-friendly portal for managing their accounts, viewing usage, and making payments. Integrates smoothly with existing ERP systems and payment gateways, streamlining operations and reducing administrative workload.
System Architecture and Integration
Features a multi-layered architecture designed for efficient data processing and management. This architecture includes comprehensive integration services that connect the smart metering system with existing infrastructure, ensuring seamless operation. It is also scalable, supporting future expansions and technological upgrades.
Ensures efficient data management by organizing data flow and processing across multiple layers. Facilitates comprehensive integration with existing systems, ensuring that new and old technologies work together seamlessly. Designed to be scalable, allowing for easy upgrades and expansion to accommodate future technological advancements.

Key Features and Detailed Descriptions

  1. Smart Water Meters:
    • Technology: Utilizes ultrasonic metrological technology to ensure precise water usage measurements. This technology removes all moving mechanical parts, ensuring no wear and high accuracy over time.
    • Communication: Uses secure LoRaWAN and WMBus protocols for data transmission.
    • Key Benefits: Provides highly accurate measurements of water usage, reducing billing errors and ensuring fair charges. Supports real-time data collection, allowing for immediate detection of leaks and other issues. Enables advanced analytics to monitor and optimize water usage patterns, leading to better resource management.
  2. Smart Valves:
    • Functionality: Battery-operated devices that allow remote control of water flow. These valves can be used to partially or fully close the water flow remotely, useful for managing non-payment situations or performing maintenance.
    • Integration: Works seamlessly with smart meters to enable automated water management.
    • Key Benefits: Allows utility companies to remotely disconnect water service in case of non-payment, reducing the need for manual intervention. Enhances maintenance control by enabling remote operation, reducing the need for on-site visits. Ensures high reliability and longevity, with minimal maintenance required.
  3. LoRa Connectivity:
    • Network Setup: Strategic installation of LoRa gateways ensures comprehensive coverage. The network setup is designed to cover large areas with minimal power consumption.
    • Technology: LoRa (Long Range) is a low-power wireless technology suitable for long-distance communication.
    • Security: Includes robust data encryption and key management to ensure secure data transmission.
    • Key Benefits: Provides extensive coverage, ensuring that all smart meters and valves are connected and can communicate effectively. Ensures secure data transmission through robust encryption and key management, protecting user data. Facilitates efficient data flow with low power consumption, ideal for widespread deployment.
  4. Billing and Customer Management System:
    • Automation: Automates billing processes using real-time meter readings, ensuring accurate and timely bills.
    • Customer Portal: Offers a user-friendly interface for customers to view their usage, receive bills, and make payments.
    • Integration: Seamlessly integrates with existing ERP systems and payment gateways for efficient operations.
    • Key Benefits: Ensures accurate and timely billing by automating the process with real-time data, reducing human errors. Enhances customer engagement by providing a user-friendly portal for managing their accounts, viewing usage, and making payments. Integrates smoothly with existing ERP systems and payment gateways, streamlining operations and reducing administrative workload.
  5. System Architecture and Integration:
    • Design: Multi-layered architecture ensures efficient data flow and processing, supporting the seamless operation of the entire system.
    • Integration: Comprehensive integration services connect with existing infrastructure, facilitating smooth operation and data exchange.
    • Scalability: Designed to be scalable, accommodating future technological upgrades and expansions.
    • Key Benefits: Ensures efficient data management by organizing data flow and processing across multiple layers. Facilitates comprehensive integration with existing systems, ensuring that new and old technologies work together seamlessly. Designed to be scalable, allowing for easy upgrades and expansion to accommodate future technological advancements.
5. Technical Specifications and Considerations

System Accuracy and Signal Integrity

Muscat Bay’s mountainous terrain poses significant challenges for maintaining signal integrity.
Tadoom's system uses advanced LoRa technology, optimized for long-range communication in challenging environments.
Visual Aid
A diagram will be included in the final report, showing the network setup with LoRa gateways strategically positioned to ensure full coverage across Muscat Bay.

AI Monitoring and Error Handling

Tadoom utilizes AI algorithms to monitor water consumption patterns and detect anomalies.
The system alerts operators to unusual spikes or drops in usage, potentially indicating leaks or meter malfunctions.
Visual Aid
Screenshots of the AI monitoring dashboard will be provided, showcasing real-time data processing and anomaly detection capabilities.
Non-Revenue Water (NRW) Reduction Strategy

Strategic Overview

The implementation of smart meters at Muscat Bay is primarily aimed at addressing and significantly reducing Non-Revenue Water (NRW). With current water loss rates due to leaks, meter inaccuracies, and unauthorized usage, the adoption of smart metering technology is expected to provide precise control and monitoring capabilities that directly impact NRW levels.

Before Implementation
Muscat Bay currently experiences approximately 40% NRW.
After Implementation
With the deployment of smart meters, we project a reduction in NRW by up to 40% over the next eight years. This reduction will be achieved through enhanced leak detection, accurate data collection, and real-time monitoring.

Operational Benefits

Improved Accuracy
Automated, real-time data collection minimizes errors associated with manual meter readings.
Enhanced Payment Collection
Prepaid meter options and automatic billing streamline revenue collection, reducing delays and overheads associated with manual billing processes.
Efficient Leak Management
Quick identification and localization of leaks facilitate faster repairs, minimizing water loss and associated costs.

Strategic Overview: The implementation of smart meters at Muscat Bay is primarily aimed at addressing and significantly reducing NRW. With current water loss rates due to leaks, meter inaccuracies, and unauthorized usage, the adoption of smart metering technology is expected to provide precise control and monitoring capabilities that directly impact NRW levels.


Expected Outcomes:

  • Before Implementation: Muscat Bay currently experiences approximately 40% NRW.
  • After Implementation: With the deployment of smart meters, we project a reduction in NRW by up to 40% over the next eight years. This reduction will be achieved through enhanced leak detection, accurate data collection, and real-time monitoring.

Operational Benefits:

  • Improved Accuracy: Automated, real-time data collection minimizes errors associated with manual meter readings.
  • Enhanced Payment Collection: Prepaid meter options and automatic billing will streamline revenue collection, reducing the delays and overheads associated with manual billing processes.
  • Efficient Leak Management: Quick identification and localization of leaks will facilitate faster repairs, minimizing water loss and associated costs.
7. Maintenance and Support Services

Service Levels and Communication Channels

Communication Channels:

  • Phone Support: Direct line for immediate assistance. Available 24/7 for Tier 1 support and during business hours for Tier 2 and Tier 3 support.
  • Email Support: For non-urgent queries and follow-up on ongoing issues. Available 24/7. Responses typically within 24 hours.
  • Online Chat: Real-time support for immediate troubleshooting and guidance. Available 24/7 for Tier 1 support.

Service Levels:

  • Tier 1 Support: Basic troubleshooting and initial problem diagnosis. Available 24/7 through phone, email, and online chat.
  • Tier 2 Support: Advanced technical support for more complex issues. Available during business hours through phone and email.
  • Tier 3 Support: Expert support for critical issues, involving direct engagement with technical specialists. Available during business hours through phone and email.
Key Features and Detailed Descriptions

Smart Water Meters:

  • Technology: Utilizes ultrasonic metrological technology to ensure precise water usage measurements. This technology removes all moving mechanical parts, ensuring no wear and high accuracy over time.
  • Communication: Uses secure LoRaWAN and WMBus protocols for data transmission.
  • Key Benefits: Provides highly accurate measurements of water usage, reducing billing errors and ensuring fair charges. Supports real-time data collection, allowing for immediate detection of leaks and other issues. Enables advanced analytics to monitor and optimize water usage patterns, leading to better resource management.

Smart Valves:

  • Functionality: Battery-operated devices that allow remote control of water flow. These valves can be used to partially or fully close the water flow remotely, useful for managing non-payment situations or performing maintenance.
  • Integration: Works seamlessly with smart meters to enable automated water management.
  • Key Benefits: Allows utility companies to remotely disconnect water service in case of non-payment, reducing the need for manual intervention. Enhances maintenance control by enabling remote operation, reducing the need for on-site visits. Ensures high reliability and longevity, with minimal maintenance required.

LoRa Connectivity:

  • Network Setup: Strategic installation of LoRa gateways ensures comprehensive coverage. The network setup is designed to cover large areas with minimal power consumption.
  • Technology: LoRa (Long Range) is a low-power wireless technology suitable for long-distance communication.
  • Security: Includes robust data encryption and key management to ensure secure data transmission.
  • Key Benefits: Provides extensive coverage, ensuring that all smart meters and valves are connected and can communicate effectively. Ensures secure data transmission through robust encryption and key management, protecting user data. Facilitates efficient data flow with low power consumption, ideal for widespread deployment.

Billing and Customer Management System:

  • Automation: Automates billing processes using real-time meter readings, ensuring accurate and timely bills.
  • Customer Portal: Offers a user-friendly interface for customers to view their usage, receive bills, and make payments.
  • Integration: Seamlessly integrates with existing ERP systems and payment gateways for efficient operations.
  • Key Benefits: Ensures accurate and timely billing by automating the process with real-time data, reducing human errors. Enhances customer engagement by providing a user-friendly portal for managing their accounts, viewing usage, and making payments. Integrates smoothly with existing ERP systems and payment gateways, streamlining operations and reducing administrative workload.

System Architecture and Integration:

  • Design: Multi-layered architecture ensures efficient data flow and processing, supporting the seamless operation of the entire system.
  • Integration: Comprehensive integration services connect with existing infrastructure, facilitating smooth operation and data exchange.
  • Scalability: Designed to be scalable, accommodating future technological upgrades and expansions.
  • Key Benefits: Ensures efficient data management by organizing data flow and processing across multiple layers. Facilitates comprehensive integration with existing systems, ensuring that new and old technologies work together seamlessly. Designed to be scalable, allowing for easy upgrades and expansion to accommodate future technological advancements.
Maintenance and Support Services

Service Levels and Communication Channels:

  • Service Levels: Tadoom will outline the scope of maintenance and support services, specifying response times, issue severity levels, and types of support offered (e.g., email, phone, chat).
  • Communication Channels: Establish dedicated support channels through email, phone numbers, and online portals for users to reach out for support.

Knowledge Base and Monitoring Tools:

  • Knowledge Base: Develop a comprehensive knowledge base with FAQs, troubleshooting guides, user manuals, and step-by-step instructions to help users resolve common issues.
  • Monitoring Tools: Implement monitoring tools to track system performance, identify potential issues, and receive alerts for anomalies.

Designated Support Personnel:

  • Support Team: Designate a team or specific individuals responsible for handling support requests, clearly defining their roles, responsibilities, and escalation paths to ensure prompt and effective resolution of issues.
Commercial Model and Pricing

Meter-as-a-Service (MaaS) Model:

  • MaaS Model: Under this model, Tadoom will supply, install, maintain, and monitor the water metering infrastructure. Instead of incurring a large upfront capital expenditure (CAPEX), Muscat Bay will pay a monthly subscription fee per meter, classified as an operational expenditure (OPEX).

Pricing Details:

  • Subscription Cost: The cost is set at 2.7 OMR per meter per month, covering all aspects of the MaaS model including installation, maintenance, and monitoring over the contract period.

Long-Term Service Terms:

  • Service Continuation: After the initial 8-year contract period, Muscat Bay can choose to continue the Meter-as-a-Service model at a reduced rate of 1.5 OMR per meter per month, assuming the inflation rate does not exceed 3% per year on average during this period.
  • Ownership Option: Alternatively, Muscat Bay may take ownership of the hardware assets, with platform access extended under a new contract, ensuring continuity of service and support.

Tadoom's smart metering proposal for Muscat Bay offers a comprehensive solution integrating advanced technology and practical functionalities to enhance water management. The implementation of smart water meters, smart valves, robust LoRa connectivity, and a sophisticated billing and customer management system promises significant improvements in operational efficiency, data accuracy, and customer engagement. The proposed system architecture and integration plan ensure that Muscat Bay is well-equipped to manage current needs and scale for future growth.

Additional Smart Utility Solutions

Discussion Overview: In addition to smart meters, our discussions with the technology providers have opened possibilities for integrating other smart utility solutions to further enhance operational efficiency and community services at Muscat Bay.

Future Integration Potential:

  • CMMS (Computerized Maintenance Management System): Streamlines maintenance operations, enhancing efficiency and reducing operational costs.
  • Smart Irrigation Systems: Utilizes weather data and soil sensors to optimize water usage, significantly reducing unnecessary water expenditure.
  • Smart Parking Systems: Improves parking management and user experience by utilizing real-time data to guide drivers to available spaces.

System Integration Map: The final report will include a comprehensive system map illustrating how these smart solutions can be integrated with the smart meter infrastructure to create a fully connected and efficient utility management system at Muscat Bay..

Next Steps:
  • Kickoff and Training: Schedule a comprehensive kickoff meeting to outline project details, timelines, and roles. Conduct targeted training sessions to equip stakeholders with necessary system knowledge and skills.
  • Infrastructure Preparation: Perform a detailed assessment of current infrastructure to identify necessary upgrades and adjustments for supporting the new smart meter system.
  • Pilot Implementation: Launch a pilot project involving a select user group to validate system functionality and integration, adapting based on feedback.
  • Full Rollout: Implement the system across all of Muscat Bay, establishing routines for ongoing monitoring and necessary adjustments to optimize performance and reliability.

Smart Meter Implementation Offer Summary

Meter-as-a-Service (MAAS) Model
Includes supply, installation, commissioning, operations, and maintenance for postpaid meters over the initial 8-year period.
Pricing for Existing Muscat Bay Villas
349 devices at a rate of 2.7 OMR per meter per month, reflecting the final negotiated price.
Pricing for Phase 2 Villas Starting in 2025
221 devices at a rate of 2.7 OMR per meter per month, ensuring consistent pricing across phases.
General Assumption 1
LoRa Network Connectivity will be installed by Tadoom, ensuring broad and reliable coverage.
General Assumption 2
Tadoom will provide a Project Monitoring Dashboard for tracking implementation and operational performance against agreed KPIs.
General Assumption 3
All operation and maintenance activities during the project period will be handled by Tadoom, including platform software and smart meter maintenance.
Extension After 8 Years - Continuation
Should Muscat Bay wish to continue the Meter-as-a-Service model post-initial period, the price will remain unchanged at 1.5 OMR per meter per month.
Extension After 8 Years - Ownership Transfer
Hardware assets will be transferred to Muscat Bay, and SaaS access can be extended with a new agreement for a price of 1.5 OMR per meter per month from 2032, assuming inflation does not exceed 3% annually.
📓MOM: Implementation of Smart Meter Systems at Muscat Bay📖Professional Summary of Documents for Muscat Bay and Tadoom Partnership
FC-TCP-24-2-014 - Muscat Bay AMR solution - Tadoom Proposal V.10.pdf3985.5KB
07022024 BOOT Contract_Generic Terms.docx113.0KB