
Technical Evaluation: Desert National Proposal

Score out %

21.2 %

Technical Evaluation: Desert National Proposal

Evaluation Criteria Breakdown for Desert National Proposal:

Weight (%)
Score (Out of Weight)
Comments and Findings
System Coverage and Integration
Primarily focuses on chiller units; lacks coverage of BMS and auxiliary systems, limiting integration capabilities.
Preventive Maintenance Specificity
Maintenance details are present but lack specificity compared to industry best practices, especially in preventive actions.
Emergency Response Capabilities
Mentions free call attending but lacks specific details on response times and conditions for emergency services.
Technical Staff Qualifications
Does not provide details on staff qualifications or certifications, making it difficult to assess the expertise level.
System Monitoring and Diagnostics
No mention of system health monitoring or diagnostic tools, which are crucial for preventive maintenance.
Compliance with Safety and Standards
Safety checks are mentioned, but no documentation or evidence of compliance with safety and international standards is provided.
Total Weighted Score: 53% of 40% = 21.2%

Summary of Findings and Recommendations for Desert National:

  • System Coverage and Integration: The proposal needs to expand its scope to include BMS and auxiliary systems to provide comprehensive service coverage essential for Muscat Bay operations.
  • Preventive Maintenance Specificity: More detailed and structured maintenance plans are necessary, outlining specific tasks and expected outcomes for each maintenance interval.
  • Emergency Response Capabilities: Desert National should clarify their emergency response framework, including guaranteed response times and availability during non-working hours.
  • Technical Staff Qualifications: Request detailed profiles and certification documents of the technical staff assigned to ensure they meet the necessary expertise level for handling sophisticated systems.
  • System Monitoring and Diagnostics: It's critical that Desert National includes advanced monitoring and diagnostic tools in their proposal to ensure early detection and resolution of potential issues.
  • Compliance with Safety and Standards: Documentation verifying compliance with local and international safety standards is needed to ensure the proposal meets regulatory requirements.
Questions and Confirmations for Desert National:
  1. Full System Coverage Confirmation:
    • Can you provide a revised proposal that includes comprehensive service for BMS and auxiliary systems in addition to chillers?
    • How do you plan to integrate your services with our existing systems for better management?
  2. Detailed Preventive Maintenance:
    • Please detail your preventive maintenance schedule, including specific tasks and frequencies.
    • What methodologies do you use to assess and ensure the longevity and efficiency of the equipment you service?
  3. Emergency Services Specification: What are your exact response times for emergency calls? How do you handle emergencies outside of normal business hours?
  4. Qualification of Technical Staff: Please provide certification and training details for your staff, especially those handling specialized equipment such as chillers and BMS systems.
  5. Enhanced Diagnostics Tools: Could you include advanced diagnostic tools in your service offering? What are the implications for service quality and costs?
  6. Proof of compliance: Provide evidence of your compliance with safety and environmental standards applicable both locally and internationally."