Leadership Program: Developing Skilled Leaders: Unlocking Potential with Bob
Leadership Program: Developing Skilled Leaders: Unlocking Potential with Bob

Leadership Program: Developing Skilled Leaders: Unlocking Potential with Bob


Discover the path to leadership excellence and unlock your potential with our comprehensive program for developing skilled leaders. Gain invaluable insights into key areas such as time management, resilience, communication, lateral leadership, and conflict resolution. Get ready to embark on a journey of personal and professional growth.

Importance for Future Reference: The detailed responses and reflections will serve as a valuable reference for your ongoing professional development, tracking progress, and offering insights for mentoring and discussions on your leadership journey.

Check for DNLA questionnaire/assessment email: Look in your inbox or spam folder for an email from "tan@dnla.de".
Complete DNLA questionnaire/assessment: Fill out the DNLA questionnaire/assessment within the next 14 days, specifically by the 5th of July.
Follow DNLA instructions: Follow the instructions in the email closely and complete your DNLA Success Profile Social Competence.
Schedule coaching session: Contact Bob Dignen at "Bob.Dignen@york-associates.co.uk" to schedule a personal coaching session. Remember, he will be available starting from the 19th of June.
Complete DNLA profile: Ensure to complete your DNLA profile at least one week prior to your scheduled coaching session with Bob, and no later than the 5th of July.
Reach out for help if needed: If you encounter any problems or have questions, remember to contact Dina.

Leadership Program Training Website Dashboard

Email communication


Leadership Program Training: Video 1 Insights

Key Insights:

  1. Modules: The leadership journey consists of three core modules:
  • Leading Self
  • Leading Others
  • Leading the Company
  1. Time Management: Emphasized as a critical skill for efficiency and organization in both personal and professional settings.
  2. Beach Ball Meeting: Introduced as an effective leadership methodology for collective growth.
  3. Leadership Qualities: Stressed that leadership is not solely about authority but also involves influencing others and achieving desired outcomes.
    1. Leadership Program Training: Video 2 Insights

      Key Insights:

    2. SIMDUSTRY® Platform: The video focuses on navigating the SIMDUSTRY® learning platform, a critical tool for the leadership program.
    3. Accessing Content: Explains how to access various types of content like messages, videos, and e-learning modules based on one's progress.
    4. Pro E-Learning Course: Highlights the option to access the entire pro e-learning course without additional steps, offering a seamless learning experience.
    5. Utilization: Emphasizes the importance of effectively utilizing the platform for a successful learning journey.

Summary for the two videos

  • Leading Self
  • Leading Others
  • Leading the Company

Overview of Session On 21 - 11 - 2023 :

Objective: The primary goal was to assist you in completing feedback forms for your leadership program, particularly for Module 1 titled "Leading Self," as well as other related aspects such as DNLA evaluation, coaching, and Beach Ball meetings.

Challenges Addressed:

  • Time constraints due to your imminent flight.
  • The necessity to provide detailed and constructive feedback on various aspects of the leadership program.

Key Actions Taken:

  1. Review of Program Notes:
    • Analyzed the notes and contents of Module 1 to understand the topics and activities you have completed.
  2. Breaking Down Emails:
    • Interpreted the emails received from the training team to outline the necessary actions and reflections required for the feedback forms.
  3. Feedback Form Guidance:
    • Provided structured assistance to help you navigate through the feedback form's questions, ensuring each aspect was addressed.

Feedback Form Sections Completed:

  1. E-Learning Reflections:
    • Drafted responses reflecting on the application and impact of the e-Learning content on your daily work and professional development.
  2. DNLA Evaluation & Coaching:
    • Formulated potential feedback on the outcomes of the DNLA report and the coaching provided, emphasizing professional benefits and personal growth.
  3. Beach Ball Meetings:
    • Suggested feedback focusing on the inclusive nature of Beach Ball meetings and their effect on team dynamics and idea generation.
  4. Implementation Coaching Outcomes:
    • Created responses detailing the observable results of implementation coaching, such as improved time management and team morale.
  5. Support Needs for 'Leading Self':
    • Identified additional resources and elements that could further support your success in the module, such as emotional intelligence and practical application case studies.
  6. Additional Comments:
    • Encouraged you to share any further thoughts or insights on the program, acknowledging its comprehensive approach and suggesting improvements.

Final Outcome:

  • A submission confirmation screen with the message "Vielen Dank!" indicated that your feedback was successfully submitted.

Importance for Future Reference:

The detailed responses and reflections crafted today are not only useful for the immediate submission but also serve as a valuable reference for your continued professional development. They encapsulate your learning experiences, the challenges you've faced, the growth you've achieved, and the support you've received. Keeping a record of this feedback can help you:

  • Track your progress over time.
  • Prepare for future evaluations or similar reflective exercises.
  • Offer insights when mentoring others or discussing your leadership journey.
  • Serve as a documented reflection of your thoughts and experiences at this point in your leadership development program.